Games Workshop 28mm


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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Here are some of my finished Games workhop figures. The bases on the Terminators are still to be done, but the painting's done.

Red Scorpion Command Squad Terminators


Imperial Guard. (left to right Senior Heroic Officer, Commisar and Company Standard Bearer)


I was persuaded to put The Commisar into The UK Gamesday Golden Demon and managed to get to the final 15 for the single figures in Warhammer 40,000, which was both nice and surpriing as I had only started painting this size of figures a few weeks before. (I have only been painting figures for a year in any case of any scale.)

The Chaplain is Forge World Commander Calln figure with a scracth built skull helmet, the kit supplied bare head and helmet are on the sergeant and terminator with storm bolter respectively. The sergeant has a scratch built scorpion sting power weapon. The sting comes from a child's plastic scorpion, thought it would work well, possibly a bit fluffy, but then that's the fun. The eyes of the Chaplain helmet are Grieff lenses as are all the targeters. The Cross Shoulder pads or Crux Terminators have Grief Lenses as jewels, again a bit fluffy but thought it would look good. In fairness they work better in real life as it's not easy to see the true effect with the pictures, in addition the pictures were taken from my club website and as such aren't great, perhaps I'll do some at home with better lighting and different angles.

Comments and critique good or bad always welcome.
VERY NICE, Tim (y) (y) !!!! Now get some groundwork on those Terminators ! " For The Emperor ! " Cheers !
Kenneth :lol: .
Excellent work!!! love all of it especially the skull helmet on the chaplain terminator ??
Very nice work on these little gems, occasionally, I also enjoy painting these cool little guys.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks guys.

As I said I've only got into these minis since October last year and I thourghly enjoy painting them, I also play with them as well, as I'm now hooked on the wargame side as well, although painting up an Imperial Guard army is quite a feat as there are so many.

I have a Space Marine army to build next and this should be quicker as there are less colours involved.

The Space Marines above are part of a doubles tournament, later this week. My colleague and I are taking 500 points of Imperial Guard and 500 points of Space Marines.


You may not have read the text accompanying the pictures, the Comissar was entered into the UK Gamesday last year and got through to the final 15 in it's class.


I'll certainly look at drilling out the barrels of the assault cannons as they would look much better that way, thanks for the advise.

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