General Bonaparte Armée d'italie 1/9th bust


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Jun 8, 2015
Brisbane, Queensland.
The fourth release this year from Ybrossculpts. Based on the Détaillée painting depicting the young General surveying the field on his Italian Campaign. Cast by YS Masterpieces, this bust comes in 4 detailed part's. For enquiries email [email protected] or on messenger at Ybrossculpts.

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Really on a roll at the moment Chris, another superb sculpt with great detail on the lace in particular. From a personal point of view more of a left arm would probably balance the figure better in my view but as I say, that is a personal preference and in no way detracts from the skills on show.

Really on a roll at the moment Chris, another superb sculpt with great detail on the lace in particular. From a personal point of view more of a left arm would probably balance the figure better in my view but as I say, that is a personal preference and in no way detracts from the skills on show.

Hi Neal,

Thank you very much and thanks for your thoughts. I think you make a good point, at the time and the reference I was basing this on the arm comes down and away from the torso which then makes a dogleg back to the waist the the hand resting on the hilt of the sword. I felt the arm any long would have just come out as a stump and look a little odd to me, so I opted for a shorter one a little more in line with the classical style of bust you see in the galleries. Besides, I have them all cast now, so there's no going back, Lol!


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Superb sculpt. I have often wondered why Napoleon is so revered considering the genocidal acts perpetrated on his various campaigns.


As a very new member I'm not looking for an argument but as UK admirer of Napoleon for nearly fifty years I'm puzzled by the reference to Genocide!
Yes, I get you - but Genocide? That would suggest some focused policy designed to eliminate a whole race or group of people, which I don't think Napoleon ever subscribed to.
Atrocities were committed by his armies and I'm not saying he was a saint but I think any such acts instigated by him personally were taken as a reaction to military dictates rather than personal hatreds, and don't forget atrocities in Spain and Russia were committed by both sides.
He did abolish the Inquisition and also stopped slavery in the middle east.
But maybe this subject would be better discussed in another thread, or PM me if you wish to.
By the way it's a great sculpt.:D.
Hi Chris

Nice detail on the lace and the features have been captured well something your sculpts show

Agree ref the arm but understand the reasoning behind it ...might be tempted to angle the lower edge

Will certainly paint up well

Thanks for sharing

Superb sculpt. I have often wondered why Napoleon is so revered considering the genocidal acts perpetrated on his various campaigns.

Many thanks MCPWilk. I think I've been drawn to him through his legend, his military genius, his army, the uniforms. And the youthful Bonaparte depicted here looks like a bit of a rock star, Lol!

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