German Panzer Crew (1/35, Resin, Painting, Box-art of Alpine Miniatures)


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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2004
Hi, all guys.

Few days ago, I finished to paint my latest work for Alpine's box-art.
I used Josonja's artist acrylic paints for painting.

I hope you like and have a good day:)

All my best regards,



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BTW, these figures were sculpted by Krisztian Bodi.

Great always. The painting is superb, especially the head on the figure with the raised arm. I've not seen the one piece leather outfit before. Is it the same as the two piece, "borrowed" from the submarine corp?

Interesting you mention they were sculpted by Kristian Bodi. He is a great sculptor and I really admire his work, hopefully no offence taken but I have noticed with his figures they all have a tendency to be a bit on the large size around the hips, resulting in that classic "pear shape" so often seen in women.

Nonetheless, well done and I'm sure will do well along with the other excellent Alpine figures.

Interesting you mention they were sculpted by Kristian Bodi. He is a great sculptor and I really admire his work, hopefully no offence taken but I have noticed with his figures they all have a tendency to be a bit on the large size around the hips, resulting in that classic "pear shape" so often seen in women.

Hi Alan
Good eye! I actually like that. That is one of the main reason why I had asked Krisztian
to sculpt figures for Alpine. I also like the way he makes the boots/shoes. A good change
from the usual Taesung's style. :)

Hi I really like the figures but I agree the hips do look alittle wide to me as well which does put me off buying these. Maybe in person you would not notice it as much, the one in greenish pants looks better.

Just my thoughts...............when your new 120mm WIP Greman going to be for sale......I really want one.

Very Nice sculpted and painted figure.
I think a very wonderful work.
I liked it very much.
Painting of a uniform is amazing.

New Alpine - German Panzer Crew.

I just love these figures and I haven't any yet !! Will sort that out soon, very nicely sculpted and painted, I have looked at the hips area, but I don;t think its major, some uniform volume and admittedly there were some very thin and short/tall crew members, but I feel it doesn't detract too much.

Thanks for posting great kits indeed ! RobH.:p

Please don't misunderstand my comment as a detraction from the excellent figure sculpting, just an observation. I didn't specifically mean just these two either and I'd agree that looking at actual photographs shows, especially panzer trousers, they can be quite full around the waist/hip area. I guess they need this for freedom of movement, bending, sitting and the general clambering around in tight spaces they had to do.

As we all know people come in all different shapes and sizes. It's good to have a variation, certainly within any scale, even better when its within one manufacturers range that is well known for its excellent sculpting and quality.

Great sculpting, great painting.

Looks like we are getting a new release each month from Alpine at the moment. Wonder what's in store next month ?:)

All the best.


I just wondered if you had further images of the figures with the alternative heads Alpine usually supplies with each figure ?

Hi Alan,

How did you know that the "pear shape" women are what Krisztian likes the best? ;) :)
Otherones also noted me the same so I already started to work on it a bit, but not going to change
my taste on the pear shape women. :)

Here are some reference pictures about the leather outfit. It was taken at the Armistice of Czech
Republic. I'm glad you like it, and thanks for Man-jin Kim to paint it so beautifle. :)

Hi Krisztian

I do like them and I'm pleased you've managed to get some of the Corpus figures you worked on back on the market.

Am I right in thinking you have also sculpted figures for the now defunct(at least I can't find the company) Resination figure company ? Any chance of those reappearing?

Thanks for posting the picture.

All the best.


Me again. I just popped over to your web site and saw the Resination logo, so it does look like you plan on bringing these out again. Great news, if so.
