German Tank Crew Member


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I have based my painting on that photo( also, I do have other photoes) and honestly think that presented pants and their colour are correct. If you think otherwise, please present your arguements.

[qoute] I have presented my arguments, now it is your turn to object me and prove your points.[/qoute]
Where is it? I cant see, please show me them again.
also, I do have other photoes
So show these photos, give the link to them or specify the name book and page number. Show something original.

As I understand it, you can not justify the choice of unusual color for Wehrmacht drillich HBT pants, but insists it is correct. And in reply asking me to explain why all the Wehrmacht drillich HBT pants that you can find in the original photographs are not black? You have a good sense of humor :)
If you are really interested in this I suggest you open this discussion to a forum wehrmacht-awards where it is easier to get an answer.

Рainting in any case a great for braille scale!

Here is the examples, I hope it will be enough for you:
About the photo you've provided, it is black and white one, so it is hard to judge about the panties colour, not to metion that it is hardly possible to judge about their type.
Here is the examples, I hope it will be enough for you:
About the photo you've provided, it is black and white one, so it is hard to judge about the panties colour, not to metion that it is hardly possible to judge about their type.

I think that the above links are not enough.
From first link discussing it was not possible to come to a consensus about an origin of pants (according to and about their originality and dating).
From second link pants is gray.
On the third link is coverall. And on a figure it is not visible, that under a panzer jacket was also volume coveralls. Besides ex-USSR shops sell a lot of clothes sewed for cinema, giving out it for the original.
You didn't convince me. Give me link to a discussion about original Wehrmacht drillich HBT pants in black, please. And original wartime photos with a tankers in such black pants, please.

Perhaps you thought that the german tankers was only black uniforms, paint without reference materials and now look explanation. This does not change a great painting, but the figure does not historical. And on a Orion's box more correct the image. IMHO

Looking for your efforts would be happy to be wrong.
I wish you good weekend.

I think that the above links are not enough.
From first link discussing it was not possible to come to a consensus about an origin of pants (according to and about their originality and dating).
It is their problem, not mine.
From second link pants is gray.
Follow the link please those pants used to be black, but now they looks grey due to hard use: pants

On the third link is coverall. And on a figure it is not visible, that under a panzer jacket was also volume coveralls. Besides ex-USSR shops sell a lot of clothes sewed for cinema, giving out it for the original.
Prove it please.
You didn't convince me. Give me link to a discussion about original Wehrmacht drillich HBT pants in black, please. And original wartime photos with a tankers in such black pants, please.
How do you know that it is exactly HBT pants? I spoke with the sculptor and he said that it can be any pants of that fashion, but originally he assumed that it will be something similar to HBT pants.

Here is the link from the site that mentioned above: pants

The pants looks black, isn't it?


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Once again you give links that are not confirmation your point of view. From first link have clothes painted after the war. Another link - simply unknown black pants. You reads there it is written?

Prove it please
Do you need to prove the originality but you give link to the first available from Google thing.

How do you know that it is exactly HBT pants?

Because they are similar to it :)
On a box this figure shown in usual Wehrmacht drillich HBT pants. Exactly in this pants this figure will correspond to numerous original wartime photos. And your painting doesn't prove to be original pants and original wartime photos. It can be continued indefinitely. And to change nothing. I'm so sorry.:)

I spoke with the sculptor and he said that it can be any pants of that fashion, but originally he assumed that it will be something similar to HBT pants.

This last argument?:)
Think it is wrong to speak for the sculptor. If you need his opinion, ask it to state it here.
We wont reach any conclusion if we continue to act like this.
Your statement is that those pants didn't exist, I will agree with you if you prove it to me using documents and facts that the pants on the figure connot been black in colour and it is exactly HBT one.

I have a feeling that we used to talk with each other somewhere before.

Я так понимаю, что русский язык вы тоже знаете :).
У меня нет никакого желания вести эту дискуссию, вы можете доказать и документально подтвердить, что эти штаны не могли быть чёрными? Так же как и обосновать, что это именно HBT?