A Fixture
Below are some smudgy snaps of the last bust I sculpted, which will be produced by MDC in the future.
It is of Leutant Edgar Scholtz, who was born in Thuringia on 21st September 1898 and was killed in action in France on 2nd May 1918, whan flying for Kampfstaffel 10, Jasta 11. He is credited with 6 victories.
He is depicted wearing a fur coat and fur flying helmet.
Sculpted largely in Super Sculpy, with details in Magic Sculp and Duro.
The mounting plinth has a reproduction of his flying badge sculpted on it.
As always comments welcome.
It is of Leutant Edgar Scholtz, who was born in Thuringia on 21st September 1898 and was killed in action in France on 2nd May 1918, whan flying for Kampfstaffel 10, Jasta 11. He is credited with 6 victories.
He is depicted wearing a fur coat and fur flying helmet.
Sculpted largely in Super Sculpy, with details in Magic Sculp and Duro.
The mounting plinth has a reproduction of his flying badge sculpted on it.
As always comments welcome.