Review Germanic Warrior from DG ARTWORK


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to everyone on this planet of ours,

Well at last I am back and able to review again and in the midst and total boredom of a general election here in the UK what better way to spend my time more usefully than to share a bit of resin.

Before I do begin I would like to THANK all at DG artwork for their patience and understanding during my house move .

What will we be looking at , a release from a little while ago namely this:

DG Berserker 000.jpg

As you can see we have an ancient warrior from the studios of DG Artwork , lets have a bit about these Germanic tribes that fought so bravely and often in desperation against other tribes and of course the Roman Army.

Often animal skins were worn , wolf and bear both enhancing their fierce visual image , with the warriors being in a total state of a high from drink and drugs taken from plants often producing hallucinations , giving them often super strength and totally oblivious to the carnage going around them in battle.
Some also fought totally naked , like the Berserkers of the Viking Armies who also wore skins to further frighten the enemy , both believed that the animals strength were transferred to the wearer.

Weapons included swords, clubs and of course axes
Tatoo's are recorded and have been found in excavations revealing just how sophisticated and skilled these people were.
The tribes of Germania also often carried symbols , amongst these boars are seen

Shields were often decorated but could also be plain or with a simple design or colour.


Books are fairly easy to find on these tribes of course the Osprey series is always a good start and one which I would recommend to look at no matter what period of history.

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Now then lets get that resin out:

As with all product from DG , presentation is very good indeed with the contents being held safely in a strong cardboard box with the precious resin being held in bubblewrap bags ...keeping the contents safe and sound during its travels to your workbench.

We have a colour picture on the top of the box providing both reference and inspiration to us all .
DG Berserker 000.jpg

Details are as follows:

Title: Germanic Warrior 1st Century AD

Reference: DG12-0021

Scale: 1/12th

Material: Resin Gray in colour

No of pieces: 15

Sculptor: Dae Hyeong, Kim

Box Art: Alex Quiros (our very own Iguazzu)

Parts consist of the Main Torso , head, 2 arms, a shield, the boar itself, the base for this , 2 streamers for the standard pole , ,axe head, the teeth for the wolf head , 3 pole handles , for the standard and axe.

With every piece we will look at any prep needed .

Lets begin with the largest the Torso , prep needed ....the removal of a casting plug from the undersides of the piece and a small one from the left arm( be aware there is a locating plug behind the lower one for the base ...but if this comes off then its easy enough to put a pin in to replace it ) .On the back of the piece we have another locating lug for the placement of the shield.
DG Berserker 006.jpgDG Berserker 005.jpg
I must admit the sculptor has thought about these and not just the main sculpt which is great to see.

The sculpting now of the torso is really very well done we have different textures , the fur , the human skin, the cloth of the trousers , looking at these 3 area the fur effects are exceptional in my opinion really good work , the paws are across the chest , with the claws in full glory .
The skin is super smooth and very muscular as befits a warrior , great muscle definition can be seen , the sculptor has also thought about where our subject is battle ..he has a wonderful scar on his lower stomach..perhaps a result of a roman attack ...great opportunity to do a wound bleeding as well ....but don't overdo it !!!

The flesh is really smooth as I said nice chance to think about some body art on him , personally I would not overdo it, keeping it to simple designs.

Across his chest we have the shield strap , around his waist we see a belt holding up his loose trousers , I particularly like the way they ruffle over the top of the belt very naturally done , these could be plain or possibly striped but again I would keep it to subdued and natural colours whichever you do.

DG Berserker 002.jpg
DG Berserker 003.jpg
DG Berserker 004.jpg
DG Berserker 008.jpg
DG Berserker 009.jpg

Lets put arms on him , these are needing a bit of prep , namely the removal of casting plugs , 2 on the right and 3 on the left with a small casting line needing to be sanded on the upper right.
Fit into the relevant positions is very good indeed perhaps a tiny bit of filler might be required but miniscule is the keyword here.

Looking at the arms themselves both again great muscle tone ( I perhaps think they might have seen my muscular body!!!!) , the right is fully armoured from the mid upper to the face of the hand, excellent definition is seen , these are held in place with straps on the undersides of the arm and it looks like they are biting into the it !!!
DG Berserker 021.jpg
DG Berserker 022.jpg

The left has the same excellent features but this time we have a cloth wrap, with a fur underneath , so well done , this is held in place by ties and the positioning and resulting tension and movement of the material is first class .
DG Berserker 018.jpg
DG Berserker 020.jpg

The arms are positioned ready to hold the chosen piece either the standard or an axe , the sculpting of the hands are as expected again very good great definition , the handles are cast int the insides of the hands , so pinning is a definite , or you could carefully drill the hands out and replace with a brass rod, this is probably waht I will look at.

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Onwards and upwards folks:

Upwards indeed lets now look at the head now , prep ....., not a sausage on the review model , fit was clean and tight into the torso , then its just a case of trying not to loose the wolfs teeth to the carpet monster , fittted they look great , very sharp indeed ...weapons in their own right!!.
DG Berserker 013.jpgDG Berserker 010.jpgDG Berserker 015.jpgDG Berserker 011.jpg DG Berserker 012.jpg DG Berserker 014.jpg
Our warrior wears the wolfskin up over onto his head , the wolfs nose protruding over his face .

The sculpting is totally in keeping with the torso fur just great , the skill of the sculptor shows in all areas of this from the wolfs beady eyes to the teeth ...looking so right.
DG Berserker 025.jpg
The face of our man is encased , he is shouting in total fury of the enemies around him , facial features are finely done , from the eyes and the nostrils to the teeth both top and bottom sets!!! , no doubt grinding together , he is sporting a beard , ragged and with the same amount of care and attention being shown as everywhere else.

DG Berserker 016.jpg
DG Berserker 017.jpg

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Now to the final resin pieces:

The shield now has a casting plug to remove then its a simple case of fitting to the lug on the back of the torso ...I would also pin it , put it the same way so the cut out corresponds .
The shields were wooden sometimes with a front covering , this is what we have , the back is planked with really nice wood effects being seen , great opportunity to get those paints working ...well worn would be the order of the day for me , the front has a slight texture on it with a large round boss in the middle with 2 smaller studs either side corresponding with the strap, and as it would be its scarred with the damage from previous conflicts. its got no decoration on it so a plain canvas is there to do what pattern you want....adding more to the piece.
DG Berserker 027.jpg
DG Berserker 028.jpgDG Berserker 029.jpg
Now to the standard and the axe , firstly the boar image this consist of 2 pieces the , animal itself and the base , both have casting plugs to remove , I love the boar , okay its cute but what a powerful image it is and like the colours of an infantry regiment carried with pride , if you use this he will be sen to be swinging this treasured item as a club ...would they have done this the heat of battle I reckon so .

DG Berserker 036.jpgDG Berserker 035.jpgDG Berserker 034.jpg
You could of course fit the axe which itself looks sharp , so be careful removing the casting plug !!!

The poles/handles are 3 with the one ready to take the base of the boar , you should also fit the scarves blowing in the wind, these are nicely done , whichever you choose it will look great.
DG Berserker 033.jpgDG Berserker 032.jpgDG Berserker 031.jpg DG Berserker 030.jpg
The base now , this needs a casting plug removed from the underside , easily done as always with DG stuff, I like the thought that has gone into the base positioning , its been sculpted at an angle ready to receive the resin lug on the torso underside always I would recommend pinning.

DG Berserker 024.jpgDG Berserker 026.jpg
Final Thoughts
Needless to say this is another quality item from DG , well sculpted, presented and in the very popular 1/12th scale, I would certainly say GET THIS , it will give you hours of fun , lots to get your brushes round and the end result will be a fine addition to the display cabinet.

For more information why not visit the website at : or email at [email protected]

Thanks of course to DG for the review model and to you all for looking in dear fellow planeteers.

Enjoy this great hobby of ours whatever you do !!

Hi Guys,

Just a final picture from DG's website , in glorious colour ...stunning painting of course from Alex will also see a double box of resin with a Roman opponent for our Germanic ...awesome pairing together (this is a limited edition ...see website for details)

Cheers for that Nap - some great references there too :)

(Can't help but mention the very slight twang of disappointment as I scrolled down the image to discover they've forgotten the legs! Still such a fabulous figure so maybe . . . )

Excellent review Nap as you use to do all this time!
Thank you for all the information and the detailed pictures but mostly for the time you invest to every single
The bust as you wrote is fantastic and the box art brings it to life!

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