Geronimo - 54 Mm Romeo Models


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Another high quality figure and great work from you , very nice description of the the real characteristics of the famous Apache Geronimo, excellent painting from Danilo.

Best Regards
si... carino...accettabile... niente male... belloccio...potrebbe essere meglio... non c'è limite al meglio...bello...bellissimo...meraviglioso...insuperabile... aspettiamo il prossimo...

ciao e complimenti ( in maniera piu seria che non sopra)

Ciao Maurizio,

Bellissima sculptura.

One more in my "must" list. Your are one of the best sculptor and your
figure are always a plaisure to paint for me.

encora complimenti

Ciao Maurizio,
non ti faccio neanche più i complimenti......
tanto sono scontati.
Dico solo che ogni tua nuova opera lascia a bocca aperta, per la qualità dei dettagli e l'impatto d'insieme. Bravo!
E che dire della pittura di Danilo, che non sia stato ancora detto..............
saluti da Verona
Hi Maurizio,

Excellent resemblance expecially the eyebrow, mouth and cheek. Nice touch sir, good to see you continue to generate quality masters for figure painters like us. Thanks

Compliments.....dear Maurizio......
Another Piece To Add At My "lead Army"

the figurine is very likely to Geronimo and very correct based on the well known photos of this great chief. Also the painting is very nice.

I'm a little sorry, that Geronimo is again shown in a mixture of Apache, but mostly white mans cloth, he wear after a several year guerilla fight.

It would have been nice to show him in traditional Apache cloth, as the Apache had a riche culture and very specific cloth.

In any case a great figurine and I hope the historical documents with the figurine will give a honourabel representation of this great man.

Many greetings

Hi Daniel - Gino - Nektarios - Riccardo - Ivo - Francis - Angelo - Diego - Easy - Wendy - Allan - Vlad - Mauro - Bruno and Pongsatorn
Thanks to all for your good comments I are well apreciate this.
Thanks also from part of Danilo..

Salute to all MAB ;)
Hello Maurizio

I have just read the historical part of the presentation:

I agree generally with the historical part , but the term that Geronimo "terrorizing the settlers of territories bordering USA and Mexico.." is a very white mans view of the story.
He was only fighting an ethnical clencing against the Apache.
(Read the book "The Conquest of Texas - Ethnical Clencing in the Paradies" by Prof. Clayton Anderson of the University of Oklahoma)

Apache I sopok with are are on the opinion that their ancestors were terroised by white soldiers and scalp hunter.

US-States paid money for every Apache Scalp no matter if it was from a man a woman or a child. This was the "go" to gangs of white scalp hunters to kill Apache men women and children, no matter if they were peacful or violent only for money.

White sculphunter gangs even attac Mexican villages to kill Mexican woman and girls to sell the scalps as "Apache scalps" to US Authorities.

This side of the history should be also a part of a historical describtion.

It is very interesting that terms like "terrorizing" are generally used in conection with Indians but not with the white conquerers, despite the fact that much more Indians are killed and scalpt by white persons that in reverse.

Best reagards

Hi Bruno ........ I believe that the term "terrorizing" is appropriated.........
If someone would pay money for my scalp, I would be happy to "terrorize" him and his Quarter :) ;)
Saluti MAB :D
Hi Bruno,
Once again we have to speak of the words used in the biography instead of the beautiful work of MAB and Danilo. At this point all the world knows that the native americans were the victims of the policy of the whites, none can still think the contrary. We know the abuse of power of the US Government, and in this case of the Mexicans too, against the Apaches. I wrote that a massacre made by the Mexicans of Sonora obliged Geronimo to enter in guerrilla with the whites. We know the cruel system to pay money for the scalps of Apaches, used by Americans and Maxicans, even for the childs. But when Geronimo and his band (to defend themselves, sure, or for vengeance against the hunting made by the whites) attacked the settlers, or an farm house, or a stagecoach, I think that the peoples attacked were terrorized, meaning afraid, or not?
Best regards
Hallo Marcello,

I have a good number of friends among Native Americans and they still suffer the falsivication of history. The stereotype of many books especial in America are still the "cruel savage" and the "good white men".

Your statement "all the world knows that the Native were the victimes..." is unfortunately NOT true! Look at books like "Comanche" and "The Plains Wars" published by Osprey. I do regularly reviews of NEW American books where the Indians are still the "cruel savages"... Teh last of thsi book is "Washita" by a US historian Jerome A. Greene, who tries to justify the Washita Massacre of Colonel Custer, a book that sells well...

I had this weekend an Native American friend, a enroled member oof the Arapaho-Cheyenne tribe as my guest in my house. You should speake with him about the negative prejustices he still had to suffer because he is Indian.

I don't want to discuss about one term, but I'm missing in your historical describtion facts, like the order given to US Soldier: "to accept no peace with the Apache but to kill every Apache."

Additonally US Troops had to made a monthly report how many Apache they had killed the last month...

The "terror" of Geronimo was nothing against the terror the Apache had to suffer.

As I understand you come from the Napolenic history and you did a historical research in that way. But with Native Americans you deal with the victims of a genozide and not with normals history.

You did a good job on the clothing of Geronimo, I only hope in all friendschip, that you would think more about the feelings of this people

Best regards

Hi Bruno,
I'n very sorry to learn these notices, in the opinion of many peoples I think now it's acquired the history of the Native Americans and what happened between the XVIII and XIX Century. In the name of money and power, those originals inhabitants of America were deployed from their territories, closed into reserves, and almost destroyed with their culture. After many, too much years, the movies showed another reality, now we know the truth. The time is always a good judge, and the false history told to hide the truth comes out, as for other facts more recent. Perhaps the lies in the books you said are told to justify the bad conscience and the responsabilities of the white Americans to mitigate the crimes committed against the Natives, but the truth is another. In all wars happen bad matters, murders, massacres, but in the case of Indian wars it's really clear what whites made, thanks to their largest number and their powerful weapons.
All the best

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