Completed Gladiator 54 mm.


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Not my bag at all but I must say that this is one impressive looking figure!
I really like that you did not make him Mr.Muscle man and world class body builder, he has that portly look to him.
Nice work.
Just great Sergey! I like it a lot.
Will it be an Evolution figure?

And I really look forward to that 1/16 figure you mentioned.

This is the best gladiator figure I've ever seen! Optimus est! Proper style of shield; sword the right length; correct clothing and armour; and a good physique (i.e. robust but not a muscle-man). The pose even reminds me of the little Roman bronze gladiator figurines you see in museums. I'd bet a real Roman gladiator fan would have loved one of these!

If this goes on sale I think I'd buy one of these (despite tending to find 54mm figures too fiddly). I might even also finish that little article on authentic gladiator shield patterns that I've been gradually working on.
Many thanks friends!
Ferris Isn't present Adrian, it is a figure for other firm which yet doesn't work, but soon will appear in the market.
Harry: you have correctly understood my idea. I wanted to make it a bit similar to ancient Roman figurines.

P.S. Excuse me for my English