Glorfindel - 28mm scale


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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, England.
hi folks. here's my latest lil effort in miniature. Glorfindel, Lord of the West in Armor. he's (true scale and 8 heads)28mm to the eyes. nearly went mad/blind doing the eyes and that **^^@***^%£ Chain mail!!! :)
opinions welcome. what you you guys think?


how he looked originally...

many thanks for looking --- tim :)
Oh ma' gosh, jour kiddin' maing. . .

I have a lot of trouble just painting eyes on 54mm figures. How you could
create this really nice figure in 28mm is beyond my comprehension.

Just amazing. Will be eager to see how you paint the figure. The color
choices, et cetera. Very nice work

Thanks guys!

thanks Jay and Mark. nice to know folks like him. Jay, the eyes were incredibly hard as the putty balls wereso small that a 3x Mag visor stuggled to help me see them. it was patience and bloody-mindednes that won the day there.
i have added the Gorget again which i removed cause it was a bit spongey looking. if any_one is interested i'll post an updated pic soon.
do you discerning Figurists think he looks quite professional? he's a submission piece for a job. be interested to know.

thanks for looking and all the best --- tim
I think you were having me on with your last post to my 1/48 scale figures. lol This guy is beautiful, and looks very much to scale to me. Isn't scale all size and proportion anyway.

Wonderfully done, thanks for showing.

You can now apply to Games Workshop :)

Very good sculpting, especially in that scale and that media.
Very nice work!

For the scale and proportions the hands seem a little large. Now on most GW figs this isn't normally a problems because it's a stylistic thing but here I think you were going for more realism.

Otherwise it is a very tight and clean sculpt. You obviously have command over the material (which is very difficult to use) and have a great sense of design, balance and composition.

I notice that the hair is in a gray material. Is that Pro-Create? How do you like that over the regular green stuff? I prefer it, but had to go back to green due to molding problems.
why, thankyou!

thanks Manfred, very kind of you sir! dont think they'll give me a bench though!!! :) can dream eh?!

Patrick, thanks for the kind words, much appreciated. i noticed the size creep too late and its due to soldering the crushed wire to the handle and not shaving the blade don enough perhaps. i have carved this piece about 6 times or more and cant get any deeper without exposing the wire.
the head and arms are socketed so when i get my eyesight back , i could have another go and try for a smaller look
i have revised him again and changed the limp left hand for a fist and added the Gorget back at the neck. got a touch of flu at the moment but by the weekend i should post an update. i also thinned the sword blade too. another modeller though it too chunky.
Green is a pain for armor and such. i reckon the secret lies in carving features like faces-which i did on this fella- and using pre-cured sheets and shapes of GS for Armor. on mine i scribed the lines then waited 2 hrs before cutting and lifting the plates then carving several times after photographing to try and eliminate 'flumpyness' (flumps are a type of marshmallow sweet over here btw) Pro-create is ok, not tried much with it other than chainmail and hair, seems less sticky and goes off faster. think i'll try going to Milliput and mixing it for the next attempts. adding Sculpey or Fimo to epoxy is a good tip, colors it and extends the working time. 10-20 % is good but i have used higher but then you need a heat box but not the oven 'cos they balloon up and look like Plague Bearers!
Not sure why i decided to do such a small figure other than deluding myself that GW might take me as a Trainee so maybe i should go back to something i can see!!!!! :))lol

many thanks you guys! all the best --- tim