WIP Gordon Highlander NI 1970s


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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2011
Hi all i thought i post a few pics of a commission im doing at the mo, This is from MMM 200mm Northern Ireland figure, ive made a few changes to the Tamoshanti and added the Gordons Badge, This is for a friend of mine for his dad who was in the Gordons at that time

All painted in acrylics, the DPM will be faded down a lot so as not to make him look like a sprog :) in the second to last picture i also changed the colour of the 58 pattern pouches and web belt adding a touch more brown to the colour
Looking good to me Paul. Following with interest. Have this figure in my grey army, will eventually paint him as a Royal Marine.

Cheers guys. Marc I agree about the 5o clock shadow still work to do on the face im not happy with it yet
Most of the Jocks I knew had to shave 4 times a day. Nice brush work, like the DPM.
Not sure about the left hand pouch.
Hey Paul, can you photo the rear of the T.O.S. please, most sculpted have the bow incorrect
looks great so far
Hi all heres a few more pics
to answer some of you questions. i have re sculpted the whole TOS based on the pictures i have been given of my mates dad in NI in the 70s
Bob dont know about the infantry but we ( Engineers) put the pouches on whichever side we prefered, ive just put these as i had mine, also this seemed to be the way that they fit with the kit, perhaps Peter can have a look at his and see what he thinks

Heres a few more pics

Ive toned down the 5 O clock shadow and given the DPM a wash with burnt umber
Hi all heres a few more pics
to answer some of you questions. i have re sculpted the whole TOS based on the pictures i have been given of my mates dad in NI in the 70s

It looks really sharp it would be a special from the regimantal tailor.

Bob dont know about the infantry but we ( Engineers) put the pouches on whichever side we prefered, ive just put these as i had mine, also this seemed to be the way that they fit with the kit, perhaps Peter can have a look at his and see what he thinks

Sorry buddy your memory is playing tricks, you couldn't put them wherever you want unless you cut off the d rings at the bottom rear of each pouch that connected to the tightening spring hooks of the cape carrier cover straps.
What has happened here is you seem to have 'been issued with' two right hand side pouches.
They will both be identical on your model, when put on the belt properly and viewfrom the front , both are plain frontedIMG-20150221-00561.jpg

However the rear of each pouch has different fittings.

On the left pouch a bayonet frog and a d-ring at the bottom corner

On the right pouch a floppy tool holster and a d-ring on the bottom corner,

The d-rings were to connect to the straps from each end of the cape carrier or bum roll and was tightened with a pull tab.

I'm really sorry about my sideways pics
Flaming blackberry !!!!
Regards Paul
Us puddlesplashers (infantry) wore the webbing as illustrated but then different regiment had different ideas. I can't speak for the Gordons.
Some Regts wore only one pouch, there is a left and a right pouch.
As I remember the pouches sloped back slightly as well, I never saw an inerga grenade, I use that wee pouch for my diggers (kfs). That TOS is a peach, my screw at the depot was a Gordon and showed me how to press it to perfection. Good work mate.
As I remember the pouches sloped back slightly as well, I never saw an inerga grenade, I use that wee pouch for my diggers (kfs). That TOS is a peach, my screw at the depot was a Gordon and showed me how to press it to perfection. Good work mate.
Same here. but only a spoon, didn't know how to eat with a knife and fork. :LOL:
Thanks for the comments guys

Paul im not going to go into the whys and wherefores of a couple of pouches, as the kit goes this was the only way they would fit, as an engineer i never had a poncho carrier so had no need for the clips for it to latch onto.

Cheers Ski my first foray into the dark art of cammo painting

Cheers Scotty, the TOS that came with the kit was very different, i have looked at some of the more modern TOS and they appear to be more of a beret style with a bobble on, as i say this one was sculpted from a Pic of my mates Dad in NI in about 74 i believe he said, 4 years before my first tour.

Bob funny thing is all of the pics i have seen of the Gordons in NI and none have any pouches on at all
"Paul im not going to go into the whys and wherefores of a couple of pouches, as the kit goes this was the only way they would fit,"

Please yourself mate, you make that sound like I'm lecturing you ?

Shame really, all I was trying to point out was the kit has been packed incorrectly,
No-one ever wore two pouches the same, it's like having two left boots !
It would be bloody uncomfortable going to ground with a d-ring in the plums.

I just thought as it's a commission, you'd probably wanna contact the supplier and get the right parts sent on.

Paul, no i dont consider it lecturing, the pouches are different, the right pouch doesnt have the tool bit on it and neither are showing the D ring anyway, apart from that its an awful lot of work to remove these as i have pinned them on, it would also entail removing the arm which is also pinned on, my only recourse for the sake of accuracy is to cut the tool pouch off and sculpt it on the other one,

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