Grace of Monaco


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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Hi, finished this one.
"Grace of Monaco" by Life Miniatures.

I know it was reviewed as being sculpted on Nicole Kidman, but the fine detail like nose an ears are defiantly Grace. Both ladies look very similar but Grace had quite the square jaw. I think the dress and hairstyle is Nicole's and the box art is more Nicole than Grace.

So a bit of green stuff and Magisculp mix to bulk out her jaw and add some height to her hair, a bit of sandpaper to her chin that protruded too much IMHO.

After two failed attempts due to acrylics, I persevered and here is the end result.

Hope you like

IMG_0449.JPG IMG_0450.JPG IMG_0451.JPG IMG_0452.JPG IMG_0453.JPG
I'm not familiar with the difference between Kidman and Grace. But I do know that female skin tones scare me to the point of never done one. But your paint job with the sensitive skin tones makes me think that this is just a great paint job; not just the skin; but the whole thing. Very impressive for least till tomorrow when I take a second look.:)

Hi Jay

The sculpt was based on Miss Kidman's film portrayal of her , I congratulate you on your alterations and the final result with female flesh and the whites all done with delicacy resulting in a great finish .

Well done on persevering it's worth it

did you stay with acrylics for this version ?

Thanks for sharing

Your changes may be subtle but make a big difference. I didn't particularly like the original sculpt, it was skilful, but just 'off' in my opinion. Your changes make her look more feminine, despite the squarer jaw. Good eye!

I'm not familiar with the difference between Kidman and Grace. But I do know that female skin tones scare me to the point of never done one. But your paint job with the sensitive skin tones makes me think that this is just a great paint job; not just the skin; but the whole thing. Very impressive for least till tomorrow when I take a second look.:)

Cheers Wayne, stick to your first impressions :)

Impressive and very ladylike.
Cheers John
Hi Jay

The sculpt was based on Miss Kidman's film portrayal of her , I congratulate you on your alterations and the final result with female flesh and the whites all done with delicacy resulting in a great finish .

Well done on persevering it's worth it

did you stay with acrylics for this version ?

Thanks for sharing

Cheers Nap, stuck to acrylics onthe dress, definately don't like them, especially the JS. Nearly stripped it a fourth time, but stuck with it.

Your changes may be subtle but make a big difference. I didn't particularly like the original sculpt, it was skilful, but just 'off' in my opinion. Your changes make her look more feminine, despite the squarer jaw. Good eye!

Cheers Adrian
Well Jay you have come up trumps with this one.

Love the embroidery and the red on the sash.

Congratulations mate !

I really like, the fleshtones are just wonderfull, Jay. Warm congrats!

Cheers Nicolae, Even though female skin tones are subtle, I personally think they take more work.
Well Jay you have come up trumps with this one.

Love the embroidery and the red on the sash.

Congratulations mate !


Lucky for me the embroidery was sculpted in. Don't look too close at the red in the sash as I had to paint it freehand with my hated acrylics.