Hello everybody,
The last update was the freehand on the shield, today we're doing the scratches and weathering. A shorter post than most, but hopefully enjoyable

First, here are the paints used:
Left to right we have:
- Raw Umber
- Burnt Umber
- Terre Verte
- Antique Gold
- Iridescent White
- Iridescent Bronze
So we want to paint some scratches/dents/chips on the shield. This consists of painting very thin lines on the shield where we want the scratches. The first step is to paint dark lines. We do this using either Raw or Burnt Umber (I like to go back and forth between the two for some variety). I just paint different size lines of varying widths randomly around the shield. A good trick is to turn the figure or shield so that you're always painting the lines from top to bottom.
This will help a lot. This is what it looks like:
Next, to add some depth to the scratches, we'll highlight them. We do this by drawing another thin line right next to the dark lines we made. This line will consists of a mix of Antique Gold and Iridescent White. The lines are drawn on the bottom of each of the darker lines. For lines that are oriented so they have no bottom, draw the highlight on the side opposite to where your light source is coming from, but honestly, you can put them on either side. One trick to make them look a little more realistic is to break up the highlight line along the darker line as opposed to just one long continuous matching line. Here is what this looks like:
With the scratches in, the final part is to do some staining, some paint wear and tear, and some other scratches behind the paint. Unfortunately, I don't have shot by shot photos of each of these different steps, but the process was:
- Thin down Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, and Terre Verte to almost a wash consistency, and then stipple it on various areas of the shield alternating between the different colors.
- I then mixed Iridescent Bronze and Antique gold, and stippled that or made random lines over various areas of the freehand. This make it look like the paint of the symbol has worn off or has seen some wear and tear.
Here is the final product:
With the shield all finished, this finishes off the figure. The very last thing needed is to matte varnish the skirt, cloak, and helmet crest (essentially all the fabrics). While not doing an SBS for the second figure in the diorama, there has been some decent progress made on him a well.
Once the whole thing is done, I'll make a final post here.
Thanks everybody!!