Hi Zeno thanks for your opinion, for the metal parts I've decrived above, but anyway, I start with a very dark brown acrilic color for undercoating (thats really important and changes everything), then I make a mix of smoke valejo 939 and old gold +a tiny bit of green (it's important too) for my base color for higlights I had more old gold and top lights gold and if needed Imix gold and silver to make a small light spot. What I believe is that you need to put the lights nice and softly and ... on the right places of course, you dont need very much just a litlle bit on the right place and will give you that metal reflex you need. for the shadows I made with entirely matt colours, with clean wather please !!, other wise it will shine also on the shadows and wee don't whant it, ok. matt brown +black or raw humber will do it. on this case, at the legs, I give a touch of oils vandik brown and green at the end, and I believe at the end I'll had some touch of printhers ink for the higlights. I need the figure fully mounted to see the final touches.
anyway the shield is entirely in acrilics, I started with a base coat of dark brown, then I add a mix of smoke+ brass+ bit of green I aplied it with a flat brush n.2 just to cover very well like a basecoat. then the fun beggins when you add lights and shadows with a small sponje. this leaves a spot efect. I like it for acient figures at least.