Fantastic man as usually.....this theme is very interesting but your skill its every figure better ......simply astonished.....!!!
A question, do you ll realize other special force men in afghanistan? This will be an alone figure ,or do you realize it with another one near him? An african american usa green beret, or other special force could be interesting!!!!
Have in your future project same ( 2 or three) us nam grunts in jungle.....?
In the past i bought your HEli nam pilot with m60 you have again in your project to realize same one to stay with him?
I have your baker german team tank you ll project samethinghs of similar with usa figures in 2ww winter (Ardenne....) ??
Yes, i know,i make you so much questions.....but i have at least your 90% of figures......and for this reason.......please answer meeeeeeeee!!!!!
Its a joke...but answer in POSITIVE way!!!! Eh ehe ehe ehe !
Many congratulation
Mario from Italy.