Grenadier Guards Officer, Crimea 1854


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Geoff Charman

A Fixture
Oct 29, 2016
Seaton, East Devon
Just started this Stormtrooper Miniatures 1/12th bust of a Grenadier Guards Officer from the Crimea in 1854.
It is a nice, crisp one piece moulding, including the base pillar sculpted by Maurice Corry.
I have cleaned up the two pouring points, small one on the rear of the bust and a larger one on the bottom of the base pillar. Both easily removed using a razor saw and a sharp craft knife. A slight seam down to back of the bust was removed with some sanding.
A good wash and scrub with an old toothbrush in hot soapy water(washing-up liquid) and rinsed under the hot tap and then left to dry.



Now looking at this pic I can see a couple of places I need to clean up, then I shall prime,

Eyes now painted and given a coat of acrylic clear gloss varnish then I gave the rest of the face a coat of Vallejo basic skintone as a base coat for the Artist's oils I always use for flesh.


I started painting the flesh after a 12 hour break, for the usual sleep, shopping, lunch.

So, my basic Artist's oils skintone mix is white and burnt sienna, applied carefully around the eyes, but if any did get on them I can get it off just by damping a small brush in white spirit and wiping the brush over the eyeball, and thanks to the gloss varnish no harm is done to the painted eye.


Now running through the oil colours in rotation, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, White and Alfzarin Crimson, I add and blend and get the result I want.


I used a mix of Vandyke Brown and Raw Umber for the hair and tash, this will be highlighted once it has dried.

I shall start blocking in the colours on the body next using Vallejo Model Color acrylics.
Many thanks Guys, had a lovely day at the TM, managed to get a look in the new Tiger variants display area and got some pics of the Elefant that is on loan from the US. I have to make and paint a 1/35th model of it for display at the museum, so that will be a change.
Added a few more coats of the base colour and slightly darker ones as needed under the few creases there are, also collar detail added and first shades for the metalwork. With the base tunic colour dry I overpainted with a Scarlet wash.


I now got a bit involved in the painting and finished it this morning without taking any SBS pics but here is the bust fully painted.

Hi Geoff

Blimey you don't hang about do you ! ...nice to see this inished ...take some more pics and put them in the Comp,teed part ...

FOTM awaits your entry!

Thanks for sharing


PS Why is there an elephant at the Tank museum ..escaped from a passing circus ???............I'll get my coat !