Morning Planateers
Thought I'd add a few details of my recently completed 54mm figure.
It is, of course, the well known Pegaso figure that's been around for a few years. I bought this one from Fleabay soon after I restarted painting boxed, but missing the gatepost of the original.
Upon more careful examination I couldn't help but think that the head looked rather small compared to the rest of the figure - I know it's a very subjective thing, but I decided that it was something I couldn't live with so remade it from the collar up using the face of a figure from Andrea (I think) and duro putty. In the end when I compared it to the original there was very little difference, but hey ho
Painting was done in the usual acrylics with a few washes of very thin oil paint to increase the contrast in a few spots. The groundwork is mainly Das clay covered with PVA and road-dust sprinkled on. The stump is a small twig collected from the garden scraped and tweaked with a scalpel before painting with acrylics again. The grass is made from untwisted garden string glued in clumps to holes in the ground and then painted with acrylics. A few flower heads were added to help break up the green and I also made sure that the hand fitted closely onto the tree (One of my bugbears) I tried to give him a p***ed off expression, imagining his reluctance to squelch through the long grass on foot.
Anyway lots of fun and great figure
Hope you enjoy it
ps - also a sneak peek of a couple of other figures currently in the works . . .
Thought I'd add a few details of my recently completed 54mm figure.
It is, of course, the well known Pegaso figure that's been around for a few years. I bought this one from Fleabay soon after I restarted painting boxed, but missing the gatepost of the original.
Upon more careful examination I couldn't help but think that the head looked rather small compared to the rest of the figure - I know it's a very subjective thing, but I decided that it was something I couldn't live with so remade it from the collar up using the face of a figure from Andrea (I think) and duro putty. In the end when I compared it to the original there was very little difference, but hey ho
Painting was done in the usual acrylics with a few washes of very thin oil paint to increase the contrast in a few spots. The groundwork is mainly Das clay covered with PVA and road-dust sprinkled on. The stump is a small twig collected from the garden scraped and tweaked with a scalpel before painting with acrylics again. The grass is made from untwisted garden string glued in clumps to holes in the ground and then painted with acrylics. A few flower heads were added to help break up the green and I also made sure that the hand fitted closely onto the tree (One of my bugbears) I tried to give him a p***ed off expression, imagining his reluctance to squelch through the long grass on foot.
Anyway lots of fun and great figure
Hope you enjoy it
ps - also a sneak peek of a couple of other figures currently in the works . . .