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Active Member
Jun 28, 2009

My latest attempt. Everything done in acrylics. All critique that will help me improve is welcomed.

It tells an interesting story. In my opinion the face has too much of one colour shade and the figure as a whole could have more contrast between lites and shadows. It may be the photo so if it is I will shut up. The only other comment I would make is the position of the little boy is slightly wrong as he is looking over the head of the main figure. If you had brought him closer in the kid would have been looking directly at the cowboys face and in my opinion been more dramatic
Thank you for the feedback Ken.

Your comments are noted especially about the shading of the face.

This is a little 54mm vignette from Andrea and I stuck to their outlay, but it does look as if the boy is looking at something above the gunslinger . . .

Nice work so far Willem, but you could outline the eyes more. They have what they called Popeyed look. To much white. I think a better color is white + skincolor.
After that you can make a controlled wash into the eyepockets. Then outline them with a very dark brown.
It's not a easy task but it will have a good look for the eyes. And it is the first thing people look at.
The bluejacket: It seems that there are two colors: dark and a lighter blue.
For shading blue you can better use orange. For lighting use white. It seems that you have used two colors blue. And you didn't thinned the paint enough, because it isn't faded enough.
Well, enough critism, up to the next figure. Keep painting and every figure will be better, believe me.

Here’s my view,

The Face: The hair needs to be outlined to frame the face from the side burns to the top of the head along the band of the hat. The eye brows also need to be outlined to help frame them. The moustache also needs to be framed as well. This help give additional character to the face, The creases in the ears also need more definition. I usually use my darkest shadow plus black to make these areas pop. The ears also need to have highlights. Please look at Jaume Ortiz’s SBS on painting a face located here:

The Eyes: also need to be frame to avoid the “Popped Eye” look that Marc refers too in the earlier post: I like Mark Bennett’s tutorial on painting eyes. On a 54MM there are slight differences but it will get you where you need to be. It is located here:

The Blue jacket: looks fine for now.

The red shirt: needs a lot of work: It appears to be a monotone color: No Hi’s or Low’s: The collar next to the neck should be outlined with a Mix of you deepest skin tone with black or Cavalry brown to clearly separate the shirt from the neck. Next the Collar should have been Highlighted at the top and the indention in it should have a deep shadow. Next you should have outlined the collar with a deep shadow. Ro accentuate the difference between the main shirt and the collar. The shirt should be a range of color from top to bottom. Highest Hi’s at the top with a darkening gradient to the lower half of the shirt. This is accomplished by using a glaze or using thinner paints with darker colors: I know that a poor description but perhaps someone else has a better description of glazing.

The Pants: Also need to be a gradient of color. Hi to low. Think of how your light falls on the figure when looking at it when standing above the figure looking straight down at it. Look up Zenith Lighting. The buttons on the pants need to be outlined and painted a different color. You can still see primer on the pants near where they are tucked into the boots. Use to many different Hi’s and Low’s on the paints. Deeper shadows Higher Hi’s.

The Gun Belt: The belt doesn’t look too bad. You started to get the idea on the leather with the nice hi’s on the front of the holster. That needs to be repeated on the top edges of the holster and belt. Outline the Holster to create the effect of depth.

The Boots: All I see on the boots are the base color and one Highlight. Again think about the boots having higher or lighter color at the top and having darker colors in the seams and creases. The Heels should be a different color than the base.

I hope this helps and keep it up. The only to get better is to paint more figures. It will all come together in time.
Looks good! I'd dust it up a bit though. It looks like they just bought their clothes brand new. In the wild west the towns had dirt roads and as gunslingers moved from town to town as their services were needed they didn't stop for long to do laundry. Weathering will give you a whole new look.
Nice work!
Mark - Thank you for your feedback. This my 2nd 54mm and I battle with the face/eyes this small. In real life the eyes are not that "pop-eyed". The upper lid is dark lined but the lower lid is lighter to try and show volume beneath the eyes which I am not sure works in this scale.

Mike - thank you for the detailed feedback and the good points made. Some of the highlights and shadows did wash out in the photos especially on the shirt but it can be more pronounced.

Gary - Thank you for the feedback. Good point, I will have a look at weathering the scene more.

As everyone noted - I need LOTS more practice! ;)
