H&v Miniatures: Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson


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They are just brilliant,I'm a big Holmes fan particularly Basil Rathbone who I thought was the best Holmes ever,I will have to have these,just a great release and something different,I'm very excited to think what the next release will be,congratulations to H&V I'm sure these will be very popular.

Painting Holmes' Glen Check is going to make painting tartan feel like child's play. But I agree that both are great, esp. Watson. I am not showing them to my wife as she has a Sherlockian frined and I know what my mission would become.

Excellent pieces, will be great to set these up together as you have done, and I do agree with what a few others have said, Watson is a stand out, classic old school English gentleman look.
Nice stuff
Beautiful busts and great website with some interesting content. Congratulations guys!

Grew up reading all of Conan-Doyle's stuff, shoot, my mom used to read it to me when I was young. My favorite story, and I don't have a good explanation why, will always be "A Scandal In Boheimia". Would anyone do a fig like Jeremy Brett without the deerstalker? Just a suggestion, not to distract from this very fine piece which I will pick up. BTW, who will you distribute through in the US?
Very nice. These two are definately on my wish list. I like them both. Also superb painting.
I feel a bit ignorant - can some one educate me - did Watson as a character have an ocular nerve palsy?

Sorry to bring this up after such a flurry of excitement, and it is an opinion.
It seems that anatomically the busts arent that well thought through- look at the ears as a simple example (same ears as Culloden bust, albeit barely concealed by hair, which gives away same sculptor, this is elementary, Watson:p ), not mentioning other stuff.
To me feel more like half way between cartoon characters and real people - matter made worse by highlighting

Having said that - lovely items, if only finished thoroughly.
Outstanding. I love the detail of Watson's Afghanistan medal. His campaign was central to his character and of course fits in well with the new BBC series.

I'd recommend the book Dr Watson's War by Patrick Mercer, brilliant.

Anyway, I digress, these are fantastic busts and extremely well presented.
I like very much the issue with these two heroes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and particularly the figure of the doctor.
Really do not know if you can buy only one of the two and this is my question?

