(1)Is there any replacement heads available in 54mm (1/32) to use on AIRFIX U.S. multipose figures?
(2) Any advice on making netting for U.S. M1 helmets included in AIRFIX figure sets?
Thank you,
I'm sure there are a number of companies which offer replacment heads for the figures your described. But what I'd like to recommend to you is something for the netting. I picked up a scrap of fine mesh used for bride's gowns and wrapping the those little mints they put at your table at weddings. I can't remember what the stuff is called, but you can it up at any bridal supply shop or fabric store.
Try Hornet heads as well. They are generally absolutely exceptional in terms of quality. I think their website is www.hornetandwolf.com or try Historex agents in the uk as they sell them.
Hornet heads are true 1:35 so they might be a little on the small side.
On the other hand Warriors and Verlinden heads are again a little big for 1:35, so more suitable for 54mm (1:32)
Historex, Mussini, and Shenandoah are suitable replacements for Airfix figures. I've used all three. Red Lancers and Sentinel should carry all of them. Miitary Miniature Warehouse and CO Miniatures carry Shenandoah.
Glenn, its called tulle. Comes in different colors and mesh diameters.
You can find it on rolls like below or by the bolt (56" wide)
Its alos great for wire fencing in small scale dioramas.