Hello from Fergus Ontario, Canada


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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Fergus Ontario Canada
Hi all,
I am brand new to PlanetFigure, but an old timer to military model figures.
Like most of us, started with Airfix 1/72 scale Napoleonics, moved up to Historex, joined the OMSS, won some awards.
Gave up 54 mm and started some 90 mm Poste Militaire, which I finished last year after sitting in a box for 30 years.(The figures, not me!)
During that time I got addicted to flats. Bought tons, went to Kulmbach, twice.
Now I am back to 30 mm Tradition figures and am working on several small dioramas.
I am looking to sell most of my grey army of flats 'cause I know I will never paint them.
After recently seeing some 90 mm figures I started thinking about....hmmmm, and now there's 40 mm?
I'm definitely in trouble. Good thing my wife doesn't know about these forums!
Hi Auggie ,

A big welcome to PF ...a real friendly and enjoyable forum

Lots of talented painters all only too willing to share ideas and suggestions

Billyturnip does flats here

Looking forward to seeing your work ....how about having a go at busts ?

Welcome to a fellow Canuck

Maybe a bit of a hike for you (although we have a couple of guys coming from Kitchener and London) but we have a informal club meeting, generally the first Sunday of the month at Hornet Hobbies in Toronto's east end. Dave Brown (Chicago Grand Master and all round, good guy(y)) is the owner.

There are a bunch of us here on the site (Chaoscossack, Zeno, Anthony Watts, Brian Wildfong, etc) with Alex McCutcheon being the appointed grand poobah of our merry band of brothers
Welcome to this world of strange people. You must be patient with some I warn you. So do you like motorbikes, rock music, Tiger tanks, Napoleonics? Do you like Cuirassiers? Are you as talented as the other Canucks on here as some are exceedingly talented.


welcome to the planet.
as you can see from the previous posts we are a strange bunch but a great set of people just the same
for the flats Billy Turnip is the man as his work is outstanding in my humble opinion.
