Hello from The Netherlands


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Active Member
May 6, 2011
Hello all,

I'm not quite sure if it is wise to join a forum which shows so much mindboggling, outrageiously beautifull executed figures.
I don't feel my work is up to the job and is in a much lower leauge.
Nevertheless I'm forced to leave my previous Dutch modeling forum.
Not because there was an argument but simply because a shift in interest on my part. I used to like to depict WWII US figurines, but have switched to The Old West/Indian Wars/ American Civil War era. This, unfortunatly is not allowed on the forum I was used to visit. So for anything outside militairy up to 1900 I'll have to find another forum.

I'd like to be clear that joining Planet Figure is NOT second choice to me...merely intimidating and challeging because I have to post in English instead of my native language Dutch.

As far as 'setting the bar high in order to excell' I think I just reached for the sky :)
Welcome aboard Eric, your english is just fine and 100% better than my Dutch! :)

Have a pleasant stay, don't hesitate to ask questions as folks here are the most helpful and encouraging!

Have a great weekend!
Hallo Eric,

Welkom op de Planet. Ja, hier mag je elk figuur schilderen ook al is het niet groen.
Op Twenot is dit wat moeilijker. Toch ga ik a.s. weekend naar Overloon met AMSS om daar nog wat anders dan groene camo te laten zien.
Vraag gerust wat je wilt, er is hier genoeg kennis aanwezig.
Wil je het in het Nederlands dan kun je via een PM om raad vragen.
Hoe meer je vraagt hoe sneller het resultaat.
Schilder je met acryl of olieverf??
Dank je :)

Ik schilder nu nog voornamelijk met enamel maar zit (weer eens) aan een overgang op acryl te denken vanwege terpentine wat me steeds meer tegen gaat staan. Olieverf gebruik ik wel eens op gezichten, hout, leer en paarden.

In Engels zal wel lukken, net als met spreken is het lezen (luisteren) makkelijker dan het formuleren. Met schrijven is het daarbij op een forum wel makkelijk dat je rustig de tijd kunt nemen om na te denken.

Veel plezier in Overloon!

Thank you :)
I still mostly use enamel paint in general, but am concidering (again) a transition to acrylic paints because I'm staring to dislike the use of terpentine more and more. I use oilpaints from time to time on wood, leather, skintoines and horses.

Reading and writing English won't be to big of a problem. It just takes more effort.
As it is with spraking English, its easier to read than formulate sentences. It's a plus though you can take your time formulating moere when yoy are writing instead of speaking.

Have fun in Overloon!
Je moet ook geen terpentine gebruiken maar White Spirit.
Succes met je acryl avontuur. Mij lukt het nog steeds niet.
Kom naar Overloon als je kan, kun je eens op onze stand kijken van AMSS.

Hallo Eric,

Dan doe ik het ook maar in het Nederlands.
Ik gebruik al meer dan 25 jaar Humbrol Enamel en al zeg ik het zelf vind ik het resultaat nog steeds goed. Je moet inderdaad geen terpentine gebruiken maar wasbenzine. Dat is ook veel zachter voor je kwasten en je kan gelijk ingedichte verf er vloeibaarder mee maken.
Voor mijn schilderresutaten kan je mijn threads bekijken.
Veel plezier op PF.


Excuse me friends for our Dutch converation. Here a translation:
Then I'll do it but in Dutch.
I've been using for over 25 years Humbrol Enamel and if I say so myself I think the result is still good. You should indeed, but no white spirit white spirit. It is also much gentler on your brushes and your paint is thick, can also hold more liquid to it.
For my paintingresults you can see my threads.
Have fun at PF.
I'll contineu in English indeed, sorry for the Dutch conversation if any one took offence, I just translated my former post into English aswell.

Not even a day at this forum and already learned I use the wrong medium for thinning and cleaning enamels.

I'll start using White Spirit from now on, thanks megroot and Ben-nl!
Never knew it was the same as wasbenzine and have been wondering for ages what White Spirit is :)

Still have an itch to transfer to acrylics though. It's less agressive.
Birthday comming up so I have a pretty good idea what I'm asking my wife this year.
Great collection Ben! Did a quick search and found the Gentlemen at war series.

Quite impressive!
Welcome Eric, try and get yourself over to Euro Militaire, a lot of Dutch and Belgian modellers and painters come. A couple of days spent looking and talking to exhibitors and competitors and taking notes (don't be shy everyone is keen to share) will enthuse and improve your skills.
Thanks for the tip and welcome Derek.
I'd love to visit Euro Millitaire. But my job won't let me. Even if it would I'm affraid it's not on top of the family's vacation list :)

Thanks to you aswell Janne, I'm not surprised about you being able to follow dutch, our languages hold a lot of simulairity.
Welkom Eric!

Good to see a growing interest of the dutch modelers in other periods than WOII.
Looking forward to see some of your work here.
