Hi all!
Hi Marco!You have chosen a subject(Mongol warrior)that is very limited about enriching clothes etc.I mention that in order to remind you to be carefull and not paint something that will be too much for such a figure
.However,you could add some decoration on clothes(if your Mongol wears a silk robe for example...)and on quiver.
Give it a try and search in Google for "Mongols pictures".You could get historical information from Persian,Turkish or Chinese(even Japanese)miniature painting so search also for "Persian Miniature Painting".
In my opinion,you should first check your figure and find out of which period is your warrior(for example the first troops of Chengis Khan were barbaric warriors with poor clothing while a few years later the same warriors were dressed and armed equally to their opponents Chinese and Persian richly armed warriors)and of which rank(a lower rank light cavarly warrior would be dressed in simpler clothes than a tuman leader).However,remember that even a lower rank poor troop would carry a high quality bow and richly decorated quiver(that was must for a Mongol warrior independently of his rank!)
Btw,Mongols are my favorite subject and I have a collection of pictures about them.Just email me and I'd be glad to send you what I have
I hope I helped