Help needed identifying these miniatures


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Active Member
Feb 6, 2018

I am currently in the process of going through my father's some 6,000+ and making them available for all collectors. However this requires me to identify every single toy soldier, while my knowledge is quite extensive.. There are some mounted soldiers that require the help of this forum. They are commissions for a well know RCMP collector in Canada, who has since passed away. My first thought on three of the miniatures was the company Little Legion Toy Soldiers, but a couple of differences have made me think otherwise. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Warm Regards

Abram Simon
Owner/ Operator
Fleurbaix Toy Soldiers

They might be Britains possibly looking at the bases?

No, not Britains. Britain didn't produce anything like these, with bases like that. In the old hollowcast line, most of the cavalry had no bases at all, except for figures where it was necessary for stability, like a rearing horse, for example. And in its more recent incarnations, William Britain didn't produce anything like these figures, either.

Though they do remind me of British makers, particularly contemporary makers, like Tommy Atkins, Fusilier, etc. The bases don't look to me like anything from Alan Caton; the style of base that I'm familiar with was an oval with straight sides, with a framed edge, and then usually a paved stove surface. Think of the Tradition 54mm mounted kits, like the Seven Years War Prussian cavalry, that came from his hand. These bases remind me of those from Ursula Litterscheidt's Rylit line-but she didn't or doesn't produce any British or Commonwealth subjects, nor from the time period.

Abram, it doesn't look like you've posted this to the Treefrog forum yet, but I think you might have better luck there. johnnybach especially may recognize them, since he deals with a number of the current kit makers. I also take it that these are solid-cast?

Maybe they came from Derek Cross of All the Queen's Men, too? I have an ATQM Prussian hussar general, 1910 parade uniform, and the horse is painted in a similar style to these. The way the eyes are painted, especially, catches my eye and makes me think they were painted by the same hand, or in the same shop. Though my hussar general has no base, and I don't know if Cross ever used bases like these.

Sometime at the sole of the base, you can find : logo or makers or made in Anything ?
Best; those are toy soldiers ask at Treefrog, the speciality there is Toy Soldiers


for info they are, still today, 160 makers of metal Toys Soldiers
and more than 200 who stopped activities
Thank you for all the replies. I know the work of Alan Caton very well, as he made a number of masters for Fleurbaix and I own quite a number of the companies that Alan made masters for..

After researching I have since found out that the non-based mounted figure is early K&C. The based mounted figures still require some research and I will pop a post up on Treefrog at some point.

Again thank you for all the advice.

Abram Simon

Owner/ Operator
Fleurbaix Toy Soldiers
The Mounties where made by Pageant, Mike Norris of Little legion bought these & rereleased them, about 25 yrs go.
The molds then decayed if I recall. I sold them for Mike here in North America,,, very nice 5 mtd pc sets.

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