HELP Please COLOR BLIND!!!!!!!!


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Hi Periklis
I find best way is to to mix a grey, with black and white, to the shade wanted then slowly add Olive Green untill you have the colour you want. I hope this is of some help.
Hi Periklis

Which green? The standard uniform colour or a part of a Wehrmacht or SS camo?

For the feldgrau (the standard greenish grey uniform colour) try this mix:
blue black + chrome yellow + winsor blue + titanium white (3:1:1:6 ratio) all from Winsor and Newton

For the camo colours I suggest the Vallejo colours.

Hope this helps.Good luck

Originally posted by periklis_sale@Jan 22 2007, 04:18 PM
As i have stated i am color blind :( :( so can anybody tell me what oil colors to mix to get the green color of WWII greman soldiers????
I'm sorry but there's no one answer that will help here. You can mix various versions of feldgrau from dozens of different paint combinations (I mean this literally) but the exact proportions of one paint to another can be critical to getting the right colour.

And if someone could give you exact measurements for a yellow + blue + red + white mixture that they've used, in order to guarantee the same results you'd have to use the exact same paints, not just the 'same' colours from another maker.

Then you have the issue of how to shade and highlight, since just adding black and white to the basic mixture may not look right.

If you don't want to go the route of using a pre-mixed acrylic colour, or enamel, do you have any real-world friends in the hobby (someone you can show actual paint to, since a scan or digital photo probably won't be accurate enough)?

If so I'd try some mixtures, taking careful note of the paints you're using and the exact proportions, show them to your friend(s) and see what kind of input they can give - this one is too yellow, this one isn't grey enough, this one is too blueish etc.
