Hi all, have acquired these recently and not sure of manufacturers etc so any clues would be appreciated plus any idea of rough worth as they'll go up for sale. The US infantry are around 140mm, the British around 110mm.
Sorry guys, the british figures are all from one of our very own Planeteers, Rob of Imperial Gallery. www.imperialgallery.co.uk
They are all 120mm kits.
I hope you enjoy the figures, a great find, well done to you.
Do check out his site.
Rob is a really nice guy, he is starting to feel his way into digisculp too now, but still keep the 'feel' of his current range.
He has just released a WW1 figure and NI fig kneeling by
Moz Corry a month or two ago .
I would recommend him to anyone,
I have all those in your piccy, I did myself as the 3rd from the left