WIP Bloodied, but unbowed


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Good to see these on the go again, the liquitex is good stuff, you'll soon get used to how much to use. Have you tried the AK Ultra Matt Varnish, it is brilliant I use it to thin my paints these days and never get any shine. A couple of applications even dulls metallic paint.

Cheers Simon
I have a bottle of Ultra Matt Simon, I keep meaning to mix it in before I paint, but I'm usually halfway through a session before I remember. You'd think that at least one of the voices would care to remind me ..
I have lost count of the number of times I have started these again, but if it doesn't look right..
Now, I'm finally happy with the way Sapper Dick Robb's Denison base colour is looking. many dilute layers, are finally bringing the mottled, worn, faded look that Im aiming for. Of course, most of this will be covered by many more dilute layers of green and brown. The eagle eyed amongst you will probably also notice a distinct difference to the battle dress blouse over sapper Robb's shoulders. Whilst I liked the overal look and dirty finish of the blouse, the clour was to dark. And if it doesn't look right...
Probably leaving it to mature overnight now, and enjoy a bottle (or two) of Master Stoat.
Iechyd da

The dennison looks good, really like that there is a tonal difference between the two and the battle dress really does look like khaki serge, it's coming to life slowly but surely.

Cheers Simon
Progress is slow, but hopefully steady, and sustained. Worked on the Denison, Red and Green are now largely there, and I've worn it all down with a drybrush session with the base coat. I think one more layer/tidy up tommorow, then back with the base coat, cleaning up edges. After that, another drybrush session and finally a dilute wash to tie every thing together, and to give the Denison a dirty and worn appearence. Looking at the photos of the actual event again, I noticed that the Fibre band around Sapper Grier's helmet appears much lighter than most other colours around. These Vulcanised Fibre bands show in different colours, Black, Ochre, Buff, Green, some seemingly painted, others original and/or faded. I've gone for a colour that looks fairly good compared to some contempory surviving examples, and used Rakarth Flesh from Citadel. Despite the funny name, it is a very nice Buff ish colour, and with a faint Yellow/Orange wash, it should look quite good.
I have decided to live with the few inaccuracies, short from major surgery and re-sculpting that is beyond my abilities, but I'm going to have to do some remidial work on the chin strap, but more on that later.
Nos Da

Very nice work, the Dennisons look the business and the heads are coming along a treat, good luck with the chin strap.

Cheers Simon
I've added the forward strap on the left of the helmet, and the double D ring fastener. I used the foil of a wine bottle cork, and some fuse wire. I will replace the resin strap on the other side also with foil, but can't do that untill the head gets fitted to the bust.

The resin parts for the strap, as supplied. They don't fit well, and the buckle is both in the wrong place, and the wrong shape.

Go for it, although I'm not sure what is wrong with it. Helmet straps look good, those double D rings are a pain to fasten and unfasten but that's better than the helmet coming off in the slipstream!

Cheers Simon
It's the Iris, it's not round, and now I bothers me. Oh well, a couple of days of for work, and then I'll have a go at it.
It's the Iris, it's not round, and now I bothers me. Oh well, a couple of days of for work, and then I'll have a go at it.

It's worth it. That right pupil needs a bit of a tweak IMO (it appears to be larger at the bottom than the top). Now you have noticed it you won't be able to unsee it. I've just been working on a 1/35 figure and it didn't look quite right due to an issue with one of the eyes. I didn't want to go back and fix it in case I ruined the figure but it bugged me so much I did fix it and I'm glad I did......
You're spot on Nigel. I'll get back to the eyes. I'm also going to add some very dilute red to the whites, after three days and nights of close quarter fighting, with no supplies, and having been burned out of their positions, I guess their eyes would be fairly bloodshot.
Update time. New home, new model space, new mojo.

I redid the camo on the Denisons anew, again. I know....

Now, however, I'm rather happy with how it looks. I've ditched the Vallejo paints for this projects, and am now exclusively using LifeColor paints, thinned with Ammo Ultra Matt (thanks for the proverbial kick up the what's not Simon 😉😎) which give me the complete translucency and Matt flat finish I want.

I've also finally managed to set aside my reservations and dislike for some of the errors and flaws, and are now simply enjoying the painting process. That doesn't mean I don't care, just that I don't let it bother me. Much...

Anyhoo, here's some progress pictures.
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The Dennisons certainly look the part, faded and suitably mucky. Glad the hassle and bustle has settled down and you can get back to what's important in life!

Cheers Simon
Thanks Simon, glad you like it. I'm not sure why the Denisons areso hard to paint, after all, there was no actual pattern to the camouflage, and no two Denisons are the same, so pretty much anything should be ok. But I'm happy with how they are finally looking.
Pretty much finished the camo on Sapper Grier's Denison now, a few more touches to get it 'right' on the back, but the sleeves are there, and have had their first dilute glaze of the base coat. Sapper Robb's Denison is done, just a few more glazes of the base coat, to get the level of fade and wear right.

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I think you are making good progress on this one. I know it's been challenging at times but it all seems to be coming together nicely now.....

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