Glad to be of service, Brad. Of course you have two things going for you here: 1) There are not a lot of ancient Romans around to correct your usage; and 2) most of us who have studied Latin did it so long ago that we will always question our own memory and assume your Latin is better than ours.
Anyhow, as a public service, I thought I'd provide some useful phrases that may have been used at the Circus back when gladiators were the principal source of entertainment:
Ecce illa mameata! = Look at the hooters on that one!
Visne frigidum? = Want a COLD one?
Sedilia haec, nonne praestant? = These are great seats aren't they?
Heus, hic nos omnes in agmine sunt! Noli inferre se in agmen! = Hey, we're all in line here! No cutting in!
Flexilis sum, gluten es; me resilit, ad te haeret! = I'm rubber, you're glue; bounces off me, sticks to you!
Cave, aliquod squaloris est in hac sede. = Look out, there's some crud on this seat.
And last, but not least:
Nonne de Novo Eboraco venis? = Hey, you're from New York, aren't you !
Thanks Mom and Dad for spending huge sums on my education so I can amuse my friends in a dead language.