Hi I need help painting Modern US 1/35 figures


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Active Member
Jan 18, 2006
Hi my name is Mike,

I am new to figure painting but I have built jets for 15 years now. I have decided I wanted to do some figures for a change.

I want to do 1/35 Modern US figures. I am working on Marines and Special Forces and Viet Nam era stuff mostly Verlinden and DML stuff.

I wanted to know if someone could point me in a good direction or tell me how to paint a figure and the best way to paint Camoflouge uniform, being the Forest style BDU's and what you see now the Desert style BDU seen on Marines, and others.

What would be the best paint to use? I use for my jets enamels but I have heard Acrylics are the best for figures.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Mike welcome to the Planet, you have come to the right place, we have many excellent painters who specialize in what you are interested in, I'm sure you will receive many helpful replies, just be patient.

Welcome to figure painting. My preference to paints is Vallejo acrylics. They are one of the best on the market and they come in over a hundred colours to choose from. The first thing I do to painting a figure is cleaning the figure with soap and water to get rid of any residue and then I prime the figure with Tamiya Grey Surface Primer. Acrylics does not stick very well to bare resin or plastic. I have never painted a metal figure so maybe someone on the planet can help you who does. I hope this helps and once again welcome to figure painting.

Thanks guys for the tips. Keep em coming the more tips the better.

Yes I usually wash my resin cockpits and stuff for my jets.


I sent you a private message with a link to an outstanding camo painting article.

good luck,

Thanks guys!

These links are very helpful! I have already learned a lot on how to paint camo patterns, and painting figures itself.

This is the link Roger was refering to in his PM. It's a SBS done by Jaume Ortiz who, without a doubt, is one of the best camoflauge painters in the WORLD! He meticicously (sp?) describes painting camo. Yes, he paints a modern 3 tone camo pattern, but the techniques apply to all patterns. Besides Jaume being a great painter, he's a terrific guy. I had the priviledge of meeting him at World Expo. He really cracked me up.

Enjoy Mike,
Jim Patrick

The article is here

Mike, I see that your in CA. Not sure how close you are to SCHAMS but, if you really want to learn how to paint a figure, go to a figure show. You can't replace the experience ;)
Hey guys,

Thanks again for all the help! Now that I got the camo articales, does anyone have any good ones for painting skin? Like the Face and arms? I order some Think 180 figures and DML ones, so as soon as I get those I am gonna get too it. Just need to read up on how to paint faces and arms.

Thanks again for everyones help! I have already learn much in the few days I have been on this board.

Jim, yes I am in CA, Los Angeles to be exact. I never heard of SCHAMS, whats this?

SCAHMS - Southern California Area Historical Miniature Society - is L.A's "local club" for the hobby. You'll find amongst their ranks some of the finest painters/sculptors in the world: Bill Horan, John Rosengrant, Dave Kennedy, Jim Sullivan, Tim Flagstad, Dave Hoffman, and the redoubtable Randy "Anton" Myers (to name a few). The club meets on the second friday of each month and the meetings are a great venue to learn something new each month.

You can find further information on the club at their website: http://www.scahms.org/ You will also find information on their show this coming March. I highly recommend you attend their show. I guarantee you'll learn a lot from the work on display as well as from fellow hobbyists, and have a blast in the hospitality suite (for that matter, I recommend you reserve a room in the hotel so you won't have far to stagger ;) :lol: ).

As for painting fleshtones, you can find some great articles at the following link: http://www.timelinesforum.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=32 Here you'll find articles on painting fleshtones in 3 mediums: oils, enamels, and acrylics. Please feel free to post questions on this forum as well, and I guarantee you'll get immediate responses.

Please feel free to email me if you wish. I hope this information helps,
I don't know about you but I find the practice of certain peddlers using a discussion thread started on pF to loudly hawk their wares for another forum particularly annoying.

Are these guys THAT desperate?

Good night, and good luck.;)

that's still one of the best tutorials on the subject, Gary.

It's no longer in the article section - Gordy, will it return?
Pete, Gary,

Thanks for the help! Skin tone painting looks a bit harder then Camo, but I think with practice I can do ok. I just spent $50 worth of Vallejo Model Color paints so I can wait till they arrive.
