Historical Miniature #42


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
I agree with you, Gray. I just took a quick look at it. I think Carson Van Osten's article will prove to be helpful for anybody thinking of doing their first conversion ever. However, I haven't read the article in it's entirety yet. But believe it or not, right now I think the best part is the MailBag. I highly recommend reading Russ Fisher's letter to the editor.
Thanks Gray,

I'm pretty shocked, amazed,honored and very surprised.

I would have put the Africanus on the Cover. That is the only piece that I have a phot of directly above my workbench and it (and Greg) have inspired me since I entered the hobby.

John, Yep. And it comes as a major surprise.

It is a great issue-I've always loved David Lane's work and I was really happy to read an article on how he does it. Greg's is superb without saying-I read something similar in the 1993 World Expo Program that he did and the Africanus piece is one of my all time favorite figures. It was at the first figure show I ever went to.

The Chicago show report was excellent and I really loved Russ Fischer's (sp?) letter to the editor. Very eloquently done and very true. I like the term "show season" too!

I'm very proud to have my piece on the cover of such a great amagzine and even better issue!

Hmm, figure is nice but I think the braid work on the front of the shako, lovely figure for a very small insignificant point.


Originally posted by Robin@Mar 29 2004, 09:37 AM
but I think the braid work on the front of the shako, lovely figure for a very small insignificant point.


What about the braid? I think it is slightly largish for the rest of the Shako, but as I am neither sculptor nor historian, I could be mistaken. Is that what you mean?

To me it's not enough to ruin and otherwise perfect sculpt and paintwork. I think David's figures are very elegant, clean, beautifully painted, bright and unique-easily identifiable style. He's extremely talented in my view.
