Men, please, what one must do, attach a drawing to every post where witticism and sarcasm is used to explain it ?
It's incredible that you can think I can endorse piracy. I understand that through a forum is hard to know about a person, but I think that there are enough messages I posted to make clear about me. So, in your opinion, I'm the class of person which one day posts the latest news from a well known brand and the next day supports some obscure recaster ? Ah!, I think Lancer must come from another planet if he was the only one who understand me.
It's obvious that I do not agree with such practice, but what can I do, take a gun and shot him ? Real life is already too tragic, maybe a bit of humour can help to handle this cruel world, or not ?
I don't know about this ebay guy, but seeing the subject and the source it's likely a pirate copy, and a recaster introducing his work with a sentence like "you got a recast from an original, not from a copy!" is too tragicomic in his candour.
And if that guy is not a pirate and he is selling a copy of his work, recasted from an original master, so my apologies, but I'm still thinking that it's a real (even if unintentional) gem of irony.
Where is your sense of humor ? I'll pass, no more like that.
By the way, this is from wikipedia (it's not a translation, it's the original english version, so I think it give no grounds for more misunderstanding):
"Irony is a form of expression in which an implicit meaning is concealed or contradicted by the explicit meaning of the expression.
Irony involves the perception that things are not what they are said to be or what they seem.
Irony is a matter of a perceived disconnection between words and real attitude or values of the speaker, rather than a difference between the denotative meanings of the words a speaker uses"
"The term is frequently misused as a synonym for irony. Irony refers however to the literal meaning and the intended meaning of the words uttered being different, while sarcasm refers to the mocking intent of the utterance. It is possible to be ironic without being sarcastic, and to be sarcastic without being ironic."