Hope i got the right oil paint ???


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A Fixture
Apr 5, 2011
I was at a art store today that is going out of business soon and bought the following lines and brands of paint .. i know the Windsor and newton ( newton ) line is a student grade paint i had bought them before i knew any better LOL hopefully the other brands and lines will be the artist grade stuff ... saw a video on line that claims you can make almost any color with the colors i now have ?????? Only color I couldn’t get was the yellow cadmium .. hoping i will be able to make some sort of skin tones with the following listed ????? If these aren’t artist lines PLEASE tell me thanks . Rob

502 abteilung

Light rust brown Grass green

Grumbacher Pre tested

Naples yellow hue Raw umber
Gold ochre Raw sienna
Burnt sienna French ultramarine blue
Cadmium red

Windsor and newton ( Winton )

# 24 ivory black # 65 cadmium yellow medium
# 5 cadmium red hue # 32 Payne’s gray

Terre verte


Titanium white
Winsor and Newton has an artist range. Oil pigments for artist range are ground to a finer size than student range.

Artist oils also use better and more expensive pigments to give colours which are longer lasting than student oils.

These are generalisations and various brands are marketed as artist, finest, traditional etc. Take your time to assess these.

Since you are starting off, student range quality is good enough to experiment with colour mixing. Also, for thinning your paint, use distilled turpentine. But if you are allergic to it, then use white spirit. Avoid linseed oil as this just gives too much shiny grease (grief!).
I always used and still use W&N Winton serie's. I think that is the student version.
Beside that some Old Holland and Rembrandt (cheap tube's).
I thin with white spirit, and my results are satisfied for me.

You could paint anything you fancy with all that lot ... absolutely anything ! With figure painting, the student/artist range thing
will make no difference at all - the separate grades only effect traditional canvas painting and stuff. I personally use W&N artist
quality, with organic turpentine and spike lavender oil - but that's just habit, and nothing more than affectation really.

Mike , if that's affectation, then I'm a member of that club! D'you know, I'm still using some colours I've had for best part of 45 years, and they still work fine :happy:
I've got a couple of the newish Sennelier oils , 'Rive Gauche', which are working nicely.

....D'you know, I'm still using some colours I've had for best part of 45 years, and they still work fine :happy:.... Alan

45 years !... you clearly make sure your tops are clean, Alan, when you finish with the paint. An old tutor of mine back in
the time of the Pharaohs used to tell me that it was a sure sign of a good artist and a thoroughly good chap. He would have
been impressed with you - and rightly so. Are you going for the half-century ?

Why not, Mike ? I'm only 73, so lots of time to splash paint about before I wobble on my perch..........hopefully:angelic:
( Old saying : If you want to make the gods laugh, tell them your plans )
Oh, I've had some fun times cleaning tube tops and caps......d'you know how far a small dab of Burnt Umber goes if you're not careful....and what it looks like ? :sick::facepalm:

Thanks all for the thoughts and opinions . Instead of paying for more artist grade paint i will start with the Winton line cadmium yellow medium and see what happens . Thanks again
Why not, Mike ? I'm only 73, so lots of time to splash paint about before I wobble on my perch..........hopefully:angelic:
( Old saying : If you want to make the gods laugh, tell them your plans )
Oh, I've had some fun times cleaning tube tops and caps......d'you know how far a small dab of Burnt Umber goes if you're not careful....and what it looks like ? :sick::facepalm:


Certainly do.....
It,s not the paint but how you use it.I paint with a box of Reeves paints I got from a cheap book shop the Word I think they cost £2.99 and they work just fine for me and as a Scotsman I hate wasting money;)