I think different and I mean different is rare in the hobby and in both genres of the hobby.
In the military/historical side of the hobby nothing is really different, it is just done a different way. When your dealing with facts and history it is not so easy to deviate and produce something different. You can choose obscure subjects, little known events or regiments , but on the whole these will tick the different box, they generally don't tick the wow box. Then there's scale ,,,love this wish it was,,,bigger,,,smaller. Not so easy !!!!
We all like our historical periods,,we have probably all coned them down to whatever it is that ticks our box's. We see the same subjects because of this,,we also see the same armies and regiments also. Maybe manufacturers will shock you,,some are trying so why not support them and they may just carry on !! It ultimately depends on sales esp if you are a business and not just a hobby sculptor pulling in a few sales via paypal me etc etc. Businesses need feeding and generally before the person running it !!!
Fantasy allows endless possibilities and then their is your own imagination, so why so many orcs,,,goblins,,,elves, fortunately here at least people don't seam bored with the same ideas albeit done differently. They also seam open to everything.
Different is I think what you want it to be. If it ticks your box and you want it, its different. With so many manufacturers this should be keeping you all bizzy !!! and giving you a problem,,,whats different enough to make me want it !!
A manufacturers job is to hit the sweet spot, its not easy !!!
Due to the increased competitiveness it is also a dangerous market. Ideas copied,used by others that are faster to expose a market share, how many times do we see this recently. What was different is now humdrum .
I would love to use all those lovely ideas !!!! but so would others and if they are faster you have simply wasted your time and money. Recently in a conversation with ian at ellies this very thing happened,,,i showed ian his idea already sculpted. This was by chance but I think we were both very thankfull.
If you like military miniatures at present you shouldn't be bored ,,,there is so much available , if you are then there is a problem.
Different is one mould, produced because a manufacturer wants to,,,if it takes off they can run with it, done it a couple of times,,,
Great question steve