A Fixture
Marc: On the contrary, in the silicon/resin duplicating system, making hundreds of castings would make more sense (and proportionally much cheaper) than casting 10 pieces. No doubt that if there's enough interest, some enterprising manufacturer might decide to take the plunge.
Mike: You're right. There's no perfect mannequin. While most work well for 'conventional' poses, for 'action' stances, you need to alter the casting or even discard it. Keep in mind that the mannequin is an aid. It not a short cut to the understanding of how the human machine works.

Mike: You're right. There's no perfect mannequin. While most work well for 'conventional' poses, for 'action' stances, you need to alter the casting or even discard it. Keep in mind that the mannequin is an aid. It not a short cut to the understanding of how the human machine works.