Well Oda I hear what you are saying but frankly if I am paying $67 for a figure then I do not expect to have to carve it up to correct errors that should and could have been done correctly by the sculptor in the first place with a bit of easy research on the web.
Cheers, Bob
Although I see your point and you are of course free to decide why to buy or not, but I think we should give sculptors some leeway on issues as this. Unless one sculpts one subject exclusively, there is just too much to know. We can't expect sculptors to find out about all details of a sculpt (at least not all the time).
The thing is, internet is a useful source, but it still requires specialist skills to recognise which info is accurate, and which is not. You are clearly a specialist on archery and this allowed you to identify the correct videos from the incorrect ones. There is a lot of incorrect info on the web that can mislead one (You even mentioned in your post that many YouTube videos can fool one).
One thing I like about the web is forums, because a painter or sculptor could ask for expertise in a targeted way. I'm sure, had he asked, your input would have made this figure perfect. Then again, even here nothing is certain, as even experts sometimes disagree.
Anyway, please don't get me wrong, this is not to diss you; just felt this rather nice release is getting a bit too much flak for something that seems to be rather easily fixable. Perhaps, to help doing so, could you maybe post a picture of the right type of bow? Some dimensions perhaps? That would make this thread a useful reference for anyone wanting to make the piece historically accurate.