I need help with reference material for a Barton Landsknecht


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
Hey guys, I was just given a very old 90 mm. Barton Landsknecht figure to paint, must be at least 30 years old, despite it's age, a very good figure,sculpted by the great Richard Almond.

Any help with reference material would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
I tried doing some research last summer on Landsknechts and there wasn't too much on the web when I did a google search. Found the best source was Osprey's Men at Arms series "The Landsknechts" to be the best source for color pic / photos.
Here's a renactor site I used a while ago. Good Pictures. If you Google Landsknechts or Maximilian I you should find a wealth of material - sorry Roy. Also agree that the Osprey book is a good start.


the book:

Don't forget the toy soldier connection:

and MTS:

also go to:
and then scroll to Landsknechts and open the catalog link.

Frankly, unless you are trying to create a specific person, you can paint them about any color combination you like. There were no rules on dress - and the more outrageous the better. That's one of the things I like about this subject.

Hope this helps. If you need more, Roc, PM me!
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Yes Pat...I agree...there are also a few pics and details of landsknechts in osprey MAA 191 Henry VIII's Army and a few more references in MAA 94 The Swiss at war, I think...interesting links too...Many thanks..!!

All the best...Roy.
Hey guys thank you so much for all your help.

Roy, received your e-mail, thank you very much for all your help, greatly appreciated.

I may have a color photo of that figure in one of my old "Campaigns" Magazines I have been holding onto all these years. I will do a little research and advise.