Ideas for immortal figures?


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Blind Pew

PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 5, 2005
Carlisle, England
Having just noted Andrea's new release of Sir Edmund Hillary, it made me think (a change I know).
What other suggestions does anybody else have out there for people from history to be immortalised in miniature?
I'll suggest some here in no particular order.

1. Sir Roger Banister (breaking the tape!)
2. Lance Armstrong (I know he's still alive)
3. Alfred Hitchcock
4. Lee Harvey Oswald
5. The Beatles
6. Roy Hunt

Any more suggestions guys?
What about :-
Martin Luther King
The King of the Blues - BB King (80 this year!)
Patrick McGoohan as the Prisoner
Robert Vaghan as the Man from Uncle
And what about.....

Jim Morrison from the Doors... :) or....

Jimy Hendrix and Bob Marley....

A good topic Tony....and Thank you, but my Mrs. has already had enough of me. :lol:

Frank Zappa would make a great piece, what a face.


There's gotta be so many subjects...but I like Frank :)

All the best

All interesting suggestions and I can agree with most of them, but when I'm asked about 'immortal' figures, something more in this line comes to my warped mind.


I think the Tomb of the Unknown as a subject for a figure was first mentioned in a posting several months ago. I'd still love to see somebody do justice to it. I'm nowhere near good enough of a sculptor to even consider it.

all the best,
Hi Guys

I would like to see a figure of James Stuart, perhaps in a scene from ’Harvey‘, standing there with a six foot white rabbit....... :lol:

Or even the cast from American Graffitti, Paul Le Matt, Harrison Ford, Ron Howard, Charlie Martin Smith, Richard Drefus, Candy Clark and all the rest.

Or Johnny Depp in a scene from Cry Baby, ‘such a cool film’

Or even Al Capone and his hench men

So many "immortal" historical personalities have been done already, as figures or as busts... can't think of another good one right now, but I'm sure there are more possibilities.

A while ago I saw in "Figurines" magazine a picture of a scratchbuilt figure of Giuseppe Verdi, the piece was simply beautiful, Verdi apparently (symbolically?) struggling against an autumn gale, and it was titled "Va Pensiero"... In fact, this man, with his opera "Nabucco" and that immensely beautiful slave choir song, inspired a whole country to free itself from oppression; I guess that would warrant an "immortal figure" of this Italian composer ?

"Va pensiero sul'alli dorate" ... or something like that. ;)
Good idea. Here's a few that come to mind:

Dick Winters, Ron Speirs, Carwood Lipton and the men of Easy Company
John Buford
Joshua Chamberlain
John Gordon
Andrew Jackson
(I know that there are few already out there, but I can't say I really like them that much.)
And some non-military subjects:
Roy Orbison
The Travleling Wilburys
the 2004 Boston Red Sox

Actually, I'd love to sculpt these some day, I just have to figure it out first
Of all the names already cited, I'd pick Gandhi, Alfred Hitchcock, Hercule Poirot and to a lesser extent Monsieur Hulot as they are true icons, instantly recognizable.

A Gandhi with his small glasses, loincloth and walking stick would make a great figure in 54 (or 120mm ;) ).

Wow!!! The Grand Wazoo!!

Let's make a Zappa figure

I like him too! :)

Denis Allaire
Jimmy Stewart and Harvey, the six foot Pookah. Yeah, OK. I concede that would definitely be an 'immortal'. Of course Harvey would be invisible. Remember that was the whole premise of the comedy. Maybe just Harvey's paw prints in the dirt?

My wife and I were lucky enough to get tickets to one of Jimmy's last stage performances of the play in London while I was stationed overseas (USAF). He walked on stage smiling and talking to Harvey, arm-in-invisible-arm. The audience was in Jimmy's pocket for the rest of the evening. One of the best nights of my life!

all the best,
Hi Dan

That would have been one of ultimate dreams, to have seen him, He is my favorite actor of all time.

I think the rabbit needs to be only footprints, indeed... :)

Hi peoples,,this is great.. out side the sq. I like the idea of Gandhi..or Scot on his battle to the south pole. Both 120mm
cheers Phil..
John Paul II, (a photo taken of him in Slovenia in 1999 that's in all the commemorative magazine editions, showing him bare-headed, head bowed in prayer, clutching his staff as his robes flow about him in the wind is particularly evocative and would make a great fig) the Bambino and the Called Shot, and, of course, Larry, Curly and Moe.

What i like to be on the market after all

I immediately should buy this figures.

1. Stevie Ray Vaughan ( as posed on the album the sky is crying)_
2. Jimmy Hendrix (at woodstock when he play the "stars and stripes).
3. The beatles.
4. BB King.
5 Gary Moore
6 Mark Knoppler (dire straits)
7 Eric Clapton
8.Last but not least unfortunally to early left the earth Rory Gallagher.

And i have more musicians.
So Gary, and Quang if you please are looking for something different :lol:
