Ideas for My First Sculpture


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Active Member
Nov 25, 2005
Lake Mary, Florida
Well I have decided to try out sculpting. I originally thought of making real small miniatures but that might be a little to difficult. Now I am thinking of a 120mm dwarf. I want to work off of the following D&D picture.


I found this image on a drawing website that I can use for referance.


The only real question I have right now is what is a good material / size to use for the armature. I have seen some people use brass or steel wire but I not sure what size or where to get it.

Blake, For armature wiire you could check out a Michael's or A.C. Moore craft store. You should be able to find stuff in the floral section. I've found heavy gauge copper wire, heavy gauge wire that seems to have a lot of lead in it (what law allows anyway) and lead/aluminum coated wire. For aluminum and Brass rod and wire check out a hobby shop or model railroad store. The better stocked ones normally carries that kind of material for those into scratchbuilding.~Gary
Now that I think of it I think Micheals carries that K&S stuff. What would be a good size for a 120mm figure. Ill probably go to Micheals on Friday and get some material. Since my camera arrives tomorrow I will be able to take in-progress prictures so you guys can tell me how I can improve.

Hello Blake,

Great chart :lol: :lol:

You can sculpt dwarves and nevertheless take your anatomy seriously!

Looking forward to the next step.

Best wishes,
I received my camera last night and it is awesome. I didn’t know DSLR's could be so nice. I will be going to Michaels tonight to get some supplies but the Magic Sculp won’t be here till next week hopefully. I will take pictures as I work but the lens I am barrowing from a friend isn’t that great so the quality might not be to great.

Well I want to the Mall today to pick up a ring I bought for my girlfriend and then I went to Michaels. They did not have anything close to what I was looking for besides some green rods in the fake plant section. After I left I decided to go to Home Depot and I bought a 1/8" Brass rod. It is a little thick but I think I can use it. I still need to find the wire to wrap around the rod so the magic sculp can hold on. When I get home from work I will take a picture of the rod so you guys can let me know if I will be able to use it.

Well the 1/8 Brass Rod is not going to work. Is there any place online that sells the type of rod/wire that I need. If someone could recommend somewhere to purchase the stuff, and what exactly to buy that would be AWESOME.

Thanks in advance,
Blake, I would not think the 1/8 rod to be too thick, hopefully you can find something a bit smaller. You should be able to pick up some 32 or 24 gauge brass wire for wrapping arounf your rod armature at Michael's or A.C. Moore.'s jewelry section.
Well here is my actual first picture of the progress. The brass was bent and cut by some needlenose plyers. There is no way I will be able to do the torso because the 1/8 is to thick and if It is bent into tight circles it will snap. I am going to need to go back to Michaels and check out the jewelry section.

Hello Blake,

I don't get all the fussing with the wire. :eek:

What I'm using is the all-purpose ( garden fencing, clothesline,...) 1mm thick zinc wire. It's quite common. You'll find it in every DIY store.

Best wishes.

Q. :)
My usual source for armature wire is dumpsters outside building sites. Copper electrical wire is usually to be found in every diameter you'd like. Just strip off the insulation. The trick is not to end up with metres more than you'll ever use....
Originally posted by Cbl12886@Dec 3 2005, 11:15 AM
This time I decided to use a clothes hanger. It worked a lot better. Now I just have to wait for the magic sculp.

Blake, Unless you have started adding sculpey to your armature you may want to do the leg portion over again to make it more even. It's really an M shape and this part of figure construction is very very important in getting it right. One way to try it is with a sque U shape. Then measure to the center and bend it so it forms a V then bend the leg portions in so you have an elongated M.~Gary

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