If I learned about life from figure modelling..


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Jamie Stokes

A Fixture
May 6, 2008
In Adelaide, South Australia
inspired by this thread on Missing-Lynx armour models,


I thought that I might start one similar here (if the moderators agree - if not, bye -bye thread)

Thungs I Lernt by modelling Figurz
-WW 2 German soldiers wear lot of complicated camouflage patterns, and lost the war
- there seem to be lot more German soldiers then Allies
- Officers point a lot, while wearing binoculars
- NCO's point and yell a lot
- The only Wehrmacht soldiers seen wearing grey, seem to be trying to stay warm during winter in Russia
- 5'oclock shadow is almost compulsory
- When not in combat, marching, or eating, the soldiers must lean on their weapons, whatever the era they are in
- Crusaders liked to strike heroic, manly poses, so centuries later we can sculpt and paint them just right
- Ladies, when making an appearance, have more perfect dimensions then Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolie or Elle McPherson
- Ladies clothing is far, far smaller, tighter, shorter, skimpier, looser, clingy, translucent or suggestive then ever dreamt of, when said clothing is present...
- Ladies made by Anime artists will have serious balance problems, due to hugely exaggerated breast size, skinny and long legs, and tiny, petite, delicate feet
- Fantasy ladies who traveled around during Conan's era prefer chain-mail two piece bikinis, knee high (minimum) leather boots with fold down tops.
- These ladies also wore g-string briefs into combat
- These ladies are also perfectly toned, with great teeth, perfect hair, ample busts, and have shiny armour. Breastplates have never looked so shiny or grubby free
- Elven archers will always have a cloak, blowing dramatically, despite the fact they are usually scrambling through tree tops
- Napoleonic Era Infantry seem to be the only guys who get dirty
- American Civil War soldiers occasionally get really grubby, yet sport magnificent, luxuriant beards
- Space marines will usually have well finished armour, a serious fire arm, and tiny magazine holders on their webbing. I still can't work out where they keep the spare magazines for their main firearm
- Only the most photogenic people made it as soldiers; no weak chinned, buck teethed, glasses wearing puny type with ill fitting uniform ever made it off the recruiting ground...
- ...unless for comic effect, usually to drive NCO's to point and shout some more.
- Axis armoured crews, when portrayed as bust, will have an eye patch about a 1/3 of the time
- Head wounds will be quickly bandaged, so the soldier can go back into combat...or just shout some more...
- Fantasy figure males will have muscles the size of Belgium or New Zealand; massive fore arms will be accompanied by tiny upper arms. Other wise, they will look like a lady's stocking stuffed with walnuts....

Poking fun at myself as much as the hobby...:D;)

Cheers for the silly season

Great stuff, Jamie almost peed meself.:rolleyes:
And Landsknechts are always drunk,wearing neon pyjamas and gambling!:D:D
-Women, children and other civilians were hidden away during action if not for the whole war. They only come out to greet their liberator of western allied origin.
-It was common practise in the average household to store fueldrums in first or second floor in the apartment where they live.
-A builiding design trend were to install what looked like windows to the basement but dont building a basement.

Janne Nilsson
A few more lessons "learned"

and feel free to add, adapt or put in your observations of course!:)

- British troops will be drinking tea (or at least have a mug in their hand) about 40% of the time
- Erwin Rommel was the sternest of the German Field Marshals, yet looks good at parade ground rest.
- Space marine commanders have absolute disdain for the enemy, which is why they go into combat with no helmets, distinctive uniforms, and the higher the rank, the more they will stand out....
-...because snipers in this era, even with the advances of laser sights, range finders and powerful sniping guns, still cant shoot them fair in the head.
- Space marine snipers will often have a cloak for camouflage, which seems to be of doubtful value given the bright blue/ red/ yellow scheme of their army
- German Fraulein s would tease allied tank crews by standing near a tub of soapy water, only wearing a skirt
- even when fighting in hot, arid climates, or working really hard on a spring or summer day, not one soldier has the dark sweat patches under his arms or down his back.
- Anime girls have a strength ratio for their size better then an ant; schoolgirls and petite young ladies seem to be able wield massive firearms or swords 30% taller then them, and at least 100% heavier then their body weight.
- all female super heroes have the super ability of squeezing into Lycra suits that look like the suit has been put on with a spray gun
- Orks have well developed upper bodies, small legs, shout a lot and 30% will have one broken fang, usually the lower left one
If you are trying to learn history from figures, you could conclude that
- Japan is protected from monsters by terrifically powerful and shapely ladies barely in their teens
- The crusaders seemed to fight against an army 1/10th their number, given the amount of knights versus Muslims
- Germany did pretty well outnumbering the allied forces, yet lost
- In the pacific, there were a lot of chindits fighting Japanese naval aviators, with a handful of Infantry to help
- In WW1, there was hardly any fighting if you didn't dig a trench first
- Samurai seem very unhappy
- Apart from Landsknechts, hardly anyone wore a mustache. The Landsknecht had a mustache that joined the hair on the head
- Body paint is no guarantee of long lasting victory; ask the American Indians and Celts
- Having a lot of a primary colour is a good way of ensuring victory. When two opposing primary colours meet in the field of battle, Red will usually win. Examples are Romans versus the Celts, Wellingtons troops versus Napoleons troop
- But not always; American war of Independence- Colonist blue versus the Redcoats
- Variation on the above; Primary colour will defeat a 'neutral' colour. American Civil War, Blue versus Grey (North versus South)

All of the above is obviously the product of a deranged imagination

Dear Janus,

The above collected wisdom should form the nucleus of a book. We need to laugh at ourselves sometimes. Witty post.

Rgds Victor
Hi Jamie,

I've had quite a few giggles reading this thread. Here are a few more observations

- Every German soldier in WW2 won the Knights Cross. Perhaps they were issued free with their rations?
- Very few soldiers were ever killed or wounded in combat. Those who were seriously wounded didn't bleed much to avoid offending sqeamish onlookers and tried to bleed "in good taste".
- Japanese Manga girls, if they were real, would not be able to walk. Their huge breasts would make them fall forward, hit the ground and then bounce straight up again.
- Japanese women have at least one boob hanging out of their kimono at all times.
- Everyone who fought in the American Civil War had a huge bushy beard and moustache and perfect teeth.
- Bald men never fight in wars.
- Teenagers never fight in wars
- Civilians never die in war
- Crusaders have huge testicles, which is why they stand with their legs so far apart.
- Air Force and Navy men don't exist.
- The Korean War never happened.
- Soldiers never sleep or eat.
Great thread! My two cents:

- whenever a building is destroyed, a construction company comes and removes most of the debris and rubble so that tanks and other vehicles have room to park close to the remains of the building.
- the only time civilians leave their homes is to give food to soldiers. The food is always wine, bread and ham.
- robots are evil
- WWII sailors are from an alternate universe where there are only two dimensions (for the ship modelers - photo-etch crews anyone?)
- all soldiers have blue eyes
- soldiers clothes always have many prominent wrinkles

And so....

Every third figure produced in the world is a WWII German....

German SS soldiers were noble heroes and strike Wagnerian poses....
There were no non-Nordic looking WWII German soldiers....
German soldiers in white camouflage are sexier than Americans....

Every third figure produced in the world is a WWII German....

It's fun to paint WWII Germans and pretend they won the war....
SS Officers with slavering German shepards are valiant warriors....
Never ever manufacture fat or ugly WWII German soldiers....

Every third figure produced in the world is a WWII German....

Ahhhh, if only WWII German tank crews wore camouflage....
Last ditch German soldiers fighting in rubble are really different...
Great new idea: WWII German soldiers clinging to German tanks....

Every third figure produced in the world is a WWII German....

Avoid hobo-like WWII German soldiers surrendering....
Avoid brave German leaders hiding in underground bunkers....
Avoid vignettes showing German soldiers with executed ciivilians....

Every third figure produced in the world is a WWII German....
There were approximately 15 million german soldiers during WO II (so I've read somewhere). I've seen at least 30 million Figures of german WOII soldiers on various shows.
They say 6 million jews were killed in KZ-camps during WOII. Up to now, I've only seen 1 in a dio. Scratchbuild !!
Drinking and eating.... plus some animals

more observations
- Yes, the British have tea mugs..
- GI's don't seem to drink coffee at all by comparison
- the only fat people seem to be German cooks & party officials
- Rations boxes everywhere, yet to see any soldier open one up and go "Yuck"
- Only poachers who have shot rabbits use firearms on animals
- No one ever ate until the introduction of firearms. Spartans, Knights, Red Indians (before guns), samurai, roman army troops, mongols and Aztecs don't seem to eat. The exceptions seem to be that Landsknecht (again?) enjoyed the beer....what is it with these guys. Perhaps if the Germans abandoned complicated camouflage, switched to colourful clothes and got drunk, WW2 would have been different, model wise speaking....
- Horses seem to eat apples only. Yet to see one head down in a trough. (am open to correction on this)
- Alcohol is a food group, issued by the quartermaster store. Champagne was mostly issued to allied armoured crews during 1944. Red army soldiers drank something out of bottles, rarely seen though. Germans only drink beer out of ornate steins when wearing camouflage, never during invasions, or while wearing field grey. Officers only ever drank wine while on leave in Paris
- Troops ate very well, and always have excellent dental services.In every era. Roman, Celts, Wehrmacht, G.I., whoever, 84% will have lovely white teeth.
- given the lack of eating and drinking, its therefore no wonder no one ever need to stop for a pee or a pooh....ever.
- Sci-Fi space marine types prove humanity will return to never needing to eat; these guys never need rations, food trucks or food supplies of any kind. The Aliens with 6 or more legs these space marines fight are the only creatures that will need to eat in the future. They will eat space marines
- the only animals that ever existed (in modelling terms) are either dogs (Guard dogs, vicious, or cute mascots/ puppies), Horses, Poultry, The occasional donkey, may be a goat, and very rarely, a cat. All other creatures therefore do not exist..
-..unless they are dragons, or something similar, for a muscle bound hero and scantily clad lady to defeat/ be threatened by. Interestingly, during times of poverty in these fantasy ages, peasants never descend en mass to help themselves to free dragon meat.....must be a cultural thing
- Lions only hang around Egyptian queens, who dress in fitted brass bras and knicker sets, and thin filmy clothing (the queen, not the lions)
- Zulus may have a shield made from the hide of a ox, or zebra, but none are known to exist. We can only speculate what these creatures looked like by the Zulu hide shields
- Dragons are naturally fireproof (or else they would set themselves on fire, duh) but not one adventurer will ever recycle dragon skin as a fire proof armour; they will instead dress in heat conducting steel plate armour.
- No sea mammals exist; the backs of whales sometimes show up, to be harpooned. Only one near complete whale ever existed; he was white, very angry, destroyed wooden boats, and ate the legs of ships captains. Perhaps calling him Moby Dick made him so angry?
-No baby animals exist. ever. Apart from Puppies and ducklings. Ducklings are very rare though, and exist only in 1/35 scale, the 'Tamiya' breed

Trying to keep this light hearted; serious things do exist in history; Ti's the season to let off steam and have a smile. lets keep to that idea where possible,

Perhaps we could classify us as types and subtypes of Modelers?
- The collector- completed figures are outnumbered by 28:1 by Grey Army
- The reference nut- One figure, 18 different references, 72 possible choices of paint schemes
- The progressive - has a series of figures 'in progress', yet to finish one (sounds like me :eek::rolleyes::D)
- The Figure Factory - seems to turn out figure after figure after figure within a small space of time, all excellently finished (Tony Dawe, Hikaru for example)
- The Obsessive - every detail is correct, even down to the raised details on the uniforms buttons; on a figure 40mm tall, and details only visible through a microscope, but the details are there!
- The near enough/ good enough - a point which most of us hit; after various stages of the above, we give up, slump in our chairs, and say ".....near enough/ good enough...."

the last bit may have its own thread...or I may shift this to a blog.
