I'm 40 and never seen anything like this!!!!!!


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Dr Force

A Fixture
Mar 7, 2010
Well I live in Leicester in a peaceful suburb, however this afternoon we have had the most incredible hail storm that has killed birds, shredded gardens, broken conservatory roofing and frankly covered my BMW 12 plate in huge dents:-

Saw that once in the 60's (July 1964 I think). The hailstorm blocked drains and was immediately followed by a massive rainstorm which lasted for hours and because of the blocked drains there was extensive flooding in East Lancashire. The damage included the collapse of a small row of houses which were built over a culvert. Just shows the power of nature.
Thinking about it are we even more vulnerable to the weather now than we were 50 years ago?

Had the same here in Cyprus on two occasions last week. Weather is going crazy, one minute its touching 40 degrees C and the next it's raining and hailstorms!!! (n)
Yeah, what Mike said. I understand the differences in UK weather and western US weather being significant but we see big-assed hail regularly. Hard to find a vehicle without hail dents. I once saw a hailstorm in Wyoming with hail so big it killed a small herd of sheep like somebody turned an M60 on 'em. No matter where one lives it is hard to hide from Ma Nature when she dispenses this sort of displeasure.
Hello you old scrounger,
I bet you work them into one of your diorama's:ROFLMAO: .

Joking aside hope you have not suffered to much mate. It's absolutely pelting down here at the minute but nothing like that. The weather at the moment is absolutely crazy.
take care pal
My two sons last there car (if you can say that) because they where at the wrong time at the wrong place. We see it on a regular base. And if you have no allrisk assurance you have nothing but a car with alot of indentations.
Both of them must pay € 2000,- or more for fixing it.
Cars are more then 7 years old, so they driving with the indentations.
With a thunderstorm it is possible to have hailbals with the size of a tabletennis ball in the Netherlands to.

Man made global warming is a complete hoax, this is just mother nature being difficult as she is from time to time. Get a steel helmet is my advice!
Hmmm...I've just spent much of last night and half of today working on issues related to the Colorado wild fires for my employer. For me, forest fires are right up there with hail and tornadoes and hurricanes and wonderful &**&%#!! like that. And no fun was had by all. (n)

All the best,
Takes me back to the time when i got caught in a hail storm of this magnitude when i was in Australia.Unfortunately i was on a motorbike at the time and my brand new motorbike got riddled with dents on the petrol tank.Fortunately i was wearing my crash helmet but i was hit on the foot and of course once the storm was over i just had to remove my boot to check my foot.Bad idea as i couldn't get my boot or any other type of footwear back on for 2 days as my foot ballooned to about 3 times it's size.
Happy memories!!!
In Australia we regularly suffer severe hail storms as Brian has already mentioned.
So during the worst of the season we attach mattresses to our cars.
What we lose in fuel efficiency we easily save in panel beating and repairs.


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