A Fixture
Here's a pic of something I've been playing around with for sometime and just got around to putting together and photographing.
All are 54mm Hecker & Goros figs of German troops c.1900.
From left to right;
An Oberleutnant of Kgl. Sächs.3. Ulanen-Regt. Kaiser Wilhelm II, König von Preußen'' Nr.21 wearing the undress litewka.
A Private of Colbergsches-Grenadier-Regt. Graf Gneisenau (2.Pommersches) Nr. 9
A Private of Regt. Königs-Jäger zu Pferde Nr.1
All are 54mm Hecker & Goros figs of German troops c.1900.
From left to right;
An Oberleutnant of Kgl. Sächs.3. Ulanen-Regt. Kaiser Wilhelm II, König von Preußen'' Nr.21 wearing the undress litewka.
A Private of Colbergsches-Grenadier-Regt. Graf Gneisenau (2.Pommersches) Nr. 9
A Private of Regt. Königs-Jäger zu Pferde Nr.1