Ingolstadt 2008 - Herzog von Bayern


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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2007
Hello painters and sculptors.
Let me introduce the first photos from this great figure show.
I would like to thank you my girlfriend for photos from the nice city(and her patience with me ;) ).
I would like to greet my new friends Pietro Balloni, Massimo Pasquali and Bruno Schmaling and say THANK YOU to Bruno Schmaling and all people who make the show because the show was SUPER.
I will come next year...

You can find the photos here
Hi Milan. I think it was a very succesful show for you;). Have you seen sometimes on the winner list. I was the guy with the most "hairs" on his head :D and had helped you a little bit at the figure registration.

Hope you know that figure


I am glad to hear that you like the show and hope we will meet again next year

Thanks for the picture's.
That Francois O'llonais is extremely good. That yellow light from the light that is over him. Wowww.
Who painted that???


I will agree with you Marc....extremely well painted piece...and another great version of this fantastic figure. I wonder when I will start up mine....

Thank you

Hello Milan,

it was gret to meet you and your charming girl friend in our show. It is an honour to have guests from Czechia in our show!
I hope we can establish a cooperation between the Bavarian and Czech figurine szene. We also do Workshops on painting and sculpting.

Your figurines are very good and they are a falue for our show. Congratulations for your medaille!

Thank you also very much for the photo-side of our show.

Many greetings

Hi Ulrich,
of course I remember you my friend and thank you for your help with registration. It was nice meeting and I hope we will see soon on foreign competitions.

Hello Bruno,
thank you for the super competition and nice weekend.
It will be pleasure to establish a cooperation between the Bavarian and Czech figurine szene.
I told everything about your competition to my friends and they promise to come next year.
I enjoy meeting you and your frinds soon.

Hi John,
thank you for your congratulation.

Milan D.
17-19/04/2009 George Akriti M.Παρασκευή,Μ.Σάββατο και Κυριακή της Ανάστασης.Μάλλον θα είσαι Κρήτη και θα σουβλίζεις αμνό.
it's on the 17th - 19th April.

You will love it, fantastic venue,very relaxed and friendly and most importantly well considered and absolutely impartial judging.
Good marketplace.
I'm in Bavaria the week before so unfortunately I'll miss it this year, bad planning overall for I'll miss SBF anniversary show in Brussels as well.
The towns pretty good for a wander round too.
Here's the link.
Hello friends,
I will fill up the registration, but it is involved. I download the fill but I can´t open it...There is "The fill is involved and can´t open".
Where can I found a new one.
Thank you


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