Another set from LW. I didn´t paint up the bod on the´s a converted bod from the Esci Barbarians set (you can see him HERE)
6 bods in the set (one is a repeat pose from the LW Medieval Mortar set) and, as mentioned, the one on the stake.
The guards and a hooded Dentist...sorry, torturer
The "friendly" Monks.
Apparently it´s a rare set..only 2,000 copies were I´m lucky in owning 2 sets ...only another 1,998 to collect......
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6 bods in the set (one is a repeat pose from the LW Medieval Mortar set) and, as mentioned, the one on the stake.
The guards and a hooded Dentist...sorry, torturer
The "friendly" Monks.
Apparently it´s a rare set..only 2,000 copies were I´m lucky in owning 2 sets ...only another 1,998 to collect......
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