Interest in larger scales diorama/vignette accessories?


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Active Member
Apr 10, 2008
The Netherlands
Hi All,

After producing 1/35 - 54mm diorama accessories for over a year now at Reality in Scale, we are evaluating the past period and we are considering to add larger scale (90mm -1/16 etc.) diorama stuff and may be figure bases to our product assortment. As we are quite unsure if these will prove popular with the figure painting community, we would like to ask you what you think about this. We are thinking of producing similar items as we did for the smaller scales (you might want to check to get an idea).

So any comments, ideas or any other feedback would be verty helpfull and very much appreciated!

Warm regards

Olav Smeets
Owner Reality in Scale
An area that seems to be growing ever more popular is the 75mm range partly due to the cost of the 90mm and larger scales. I would like to see this size range have more accessories available.
Hi Just had a look at your companies website, from my perspective the items shown scaled for 90 - 120mm (particularily ww2) would be fantastic and the finishing touch to many figures.

Best of luck with your new endevour

Chris (kirky)
Voor mij mag je het liefst bij 54 en 75 mm blijven. Dit gezien de prijzen van de 90 en 120 mm figuren.

As far my opinion, stay with 54 and 75. The price of the 90 and 120 mm figures are so high that the cost's of the accescoires will be higher to.

I never buy anything smaller then 75mm these days, and really prefer 90mm and above.