Is 75mm gaining market share on exense of 54mm.


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Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)

Im just wondering which scale is the best and most preferable. Of course it boils down to matter of opinion but I like to have you view and thoughts. I notice that 75mm is becoming more popular. Or at least thats my impression. They are of course a bit more pricey but compared to 90mm they are good value for money.

What do you prefer and why? Is it a difference if or when you make scenes or small vignettes?
Is it important to have the option to incorporate the figures with plastic models such as tanks and aircraft?

Would also be informative to have a traders view on the customers choice?

Janne Nilsson
I love 75mm. It's my favourite scale now. Years ago only a very few companies were doing stuff in that scale, but it abounds now.
54mm can sometimes seem a bit small (eyes aren't what they were) and everything else too big. So it's a good halfway house. I mean these days are very few mounted 90mm mounted figures at all, indeed few 90mm figs. This may be down to price.
120mm for me is a bit too large and finding bases I like gets trickier as well. There have been some recent releases that have been in this scale but I don't go near it anymore. Shame as they're excellent.

So it all goes back to 75mm being small enough to be considered miniature and big enough to cope with. I hope in time we see some more academy figures in this scale as I'd love to sculpt in 75mm.
Janne, perhaps if included a poll on this topic you may get a better idea of the numbers....cheers.
There's a definite resurgence of 75mm. Pegaso now have made no new 54mm releases in years for instance. Back in the 1970s this mix was normal however.

As for vehicles. I build these too and love having crews in the right scale. The recent WW1 releases seem to be pretty cool and I'm eagerly awaiting information on the 1/35 figures from Tommy's War as I have a Whippet on pre-order.

I think a good survey would answer your queries Janne.


I had pretty much focussed on 75mm for the past five or so years. Lately though I've started to get more 90mm and quite a few 54mm.
I would have said 75mm was beginning to dominate the market but then suddenly a number of manufacturers notably Chronos and Castle have
started to produce some beautifully sculpted 54mm.
For me the scale is less important than the quality of the sculpt and casting and of course the subject.
Interestig thread Janne
I have in my GA less then 5 pieces of 54.
I admitt that I buy only 75 because it is more comfertable to paint for me. The 75 have more detail then a 54, and in compare with a 90 mm or larger the price of the 75 will do the job.
In resin i prefer 90 mm or more, because then the price is better then the metal.

I must admit, I prefer 54mm as they are some times cheaper, I have a few 75s and one 9o. My eye's are not what they used to be but there are now some beautiful sculpts.
I tend to go for the period that I like but if I like the sculpt, then I will paint it.
The WIP's I have on the go at the moment cover the beautiful 'Oniria' Napoleonics, in 32/35mm; 54mm Time Machine Gandamak, and 75mm Romeo figures. Different techniques for all of them, but I find it's keeping me sharp[even if the painting isn't!], and loving the challenges each scale represents. At almost 69, perhaps the larger scales might be easier -- I wear specs and use a magnifying visor, so 100mm and up would be like the Sistine Chapel in area! And all that paint!:LOL:
But I certainly agree that 75mm seems to be the new 54 as a norm.
I can actually see what I'm doing with 75mm and larger figures. Not ashamed to admit, the old standard 54mm size has become difficult for me to see as I get older.