Have you seen his service history, quite impressive?
Great painting of the bumbling L/Cpl. The eyes have it for me, very well done.
Look forward to seeing it in the flesh.
This was my second photo subject at Poole.
Absolutely brilliant painting 'in the flesh'.
I could almost hear 'Don't Panic, Don't Panic' in the background.
Very well done Kevin.
Excellent work Kev. In my opinion this is the best piece of work you have done. The eyes are superb. The mouth captures that "stiff upper lip" look that L/Cpl Jones so often had. The medals (as always) are spot on. It's a lovely piece of work mate. Well done.
WOW ?..wasn't expecting this response ........THANK YOU
Glad the eyes have been picked up on ...was very pleased with them ....and the medal ribbons ...I actually replaced them !
I have the other 2 sat in the corner ...all kharkied out at the moment ..but ......might have them going as a background paint ....with "Pike" I am thinking of taking off the sculpted insignia and giving him a LDV armband ....but need to research if he woukd have had access to the weapon ......or might just replace the weapon