Japanese garage kit painting competition


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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
perth, west australia
For anyone that wants to see garage kits of cute anime girls at their best, then the E2046 online competition is your best bet.

As far as I know, this is the only one around with such a large entry population and high grade entries.

In some aspects, the competiton has alot to go before its perfect. They still won't allow 800*600 photos (you try and take a photo of a 1/8 scale mini and above using 600 * 800.....) and this year they introiduced a junior category. Unfortunately, this category did not have any specifications on who should enter, so many people entered the wrong category (pretty much, junior was meant for amateurs and senior for the pros).

In my mind, this years entries were a grade below the competitions in the past. But oh well it happens. Please see the following links for the entries. My personal entry is at the bottom of the senior figure category.

I would love for you guys to vote, but you have to be a member of both the online store and forum there - and that is asking way too much of you guys and friends to do just to put some votes in.

Anyways - I hope you all enjoy.


To change categories, just click the links at the top. If you want to see the winners for previous competitions, go to the orange bar, select competitions and then select a year.

P.S. there are some naughty kits there. you have been warned
E2046 is a big time recaster base in Hong Kong. They are so big that they recast almost everything Japanese in sight and hold their own painting competition every year.
Most of the painted kits in the competition were bought from E2046. It is
their way to do more business promoting a painting competition for their own customers.
and your point? I put this up for people to enjoy the painting and the kits and to see something different. Not start a thread war on recasts.

anyways... I'm not going to argue about this. I know my kit was a original and a few others are as well. Some kits in the competition can't even be bought from E.

So please, lets just forget about E2046's business practises and enjoy the painting.
I am not starting a thread of war about recasting. I just want to point out that E2046 uses thier own competition a way to lure innocent customers. Look at their prizes. $50 cash+$100 THEIR OWN CASH COUPONS+trophy. There are lots of legitimate competiton out there. Why enter E2046 competiton to support their business?
I'm going to ask for this thread to be locked. Obviously you missed the two times I have said this is not about the business practises of E2046.

I put this up for people I know to look at and everyone else to enjoy, but obviously no ones interested.
What?! Peolple being duped into entering in wrong catagories? Recasters?! Photo's not being allowed?! Shady business pratices?! Innocents being lured?!...This is insane, aggrieves and preposterous at the same time!

Sorry, nothing wrong with anime but WHAT can possibly be learned by such painting style? These look like beefed up "dirty" toys IMO.

Just kidding. Long day. Back to the workbench to do real models.

Hey, stay off the forums if you can't play like big kids.

Stay away from recastings, makers, sellers and buyers of recastings.
T50 said:
Stay away from recastings, makers, sellers and buyers of recastings.

yellowcat, thanks for the headsup on what E2046 is all about.

khorgor said:
and your point? I put this up for people to enjoy the painting and the kits and to see something different. Not start a thread war on recasts.
Sorry Scott but the seller being what they are means anything associated with them is inextricably linked to that subject. This doesn't mean that we can't view the painted examples and enjoy them, but frankly you being so defensive about recasting being brought up reads like a desire to sidestep or outright ignore the issue - which just won't fly with a number of members, not just those whose livelihoods are directly affected by this kind of thing!


I'm not defending recasting at all. I perfectly understand the situation.
You are correct that I was side stepping the situation - becuase I simply wanted to show off the painting, not start another thread about recasting.

I would like to point out that E2046 does acutally sculpt original kits themselves. But yes, they are recasters.

and as I said above, I support original castings. I own alot of originals and have spent alot of money obtaining them through the sculptors and good old ebay.

One last thing, I do defenmd E2046 alot despite their practises because I'm so heavily involved in their forum community. I have alot of friends in that community and its great. Hey, we have threads dedicated to people who hunt for originals of their favourite kits. So even being a member there doiesn't mean you support recasts.

So I do apologise for being so defensive about the situation. But just for once I would like to see people just enjoy what they see instead of puling bad business practises into the mix. Most people know what they are about by now - just leave it be and if you want, you can always name and shame when a anti recast thread is started.