Japanese Ronin 90mm sculpt


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Terrific drapery and anatomy on the lower leg! I think sculpting ankles and feet is a lot harder than itlooks. You've done a great job on the texture of the leggings too.

As the figure would be carrying a long field sword (no-dachi) slung on his back, the cord for this was worked onto the body before starting work on the baggy shirt, as it would impart a lot of stress on the material...also there was the strap for hitching up the sleeves to be considered...these were all roughed in first with thin strips of putty, just enough that could be felt through the soft putty.

The shirt, being devided into these various sections could then be tackled a little at a time without the need to rush.

Here is the front view of the figure so far with the shirt sculpted...the cord from which the no-dachi is slung is yet to be added.


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And here is a view from the rear showing the groove to allow the no-dachi to fit snugly onto the back and press heavily into the material...


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Here's a view of the figure as it stands at the moment...a fair bit to be done still...I'll post some more pics as I complete the various bits..

All comments are of course welcome...and thanks for taking a look.

All the best...Roy.


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and just one more....I have some pics of the weapons....I'll post them if anyone is interested in seeing how they turned out...


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Inspirational stuff Mate !!!!

Hey Big man...thanks for the very kind comment....

Best to you mate..

Terrific drapery and anatomy on the lower leg! I think sculpting ankles and feet is a lot harder than itlooks. You've done a great job on the texture of the leggings too.

Thanks Colin..yes bare feet on figures can be a bit of a trial...almost (but not quite) as difficult as hands....glad you think the drapery is o.k. too

many thanks...Roy.
Beautiful work Roy...........the trousers and leg wraps cry out to be painted. I look forward to seeing your next step. If you cast this figure.......count me in.
That's a fantastic looking head Roy! You've captured the age and Japanese character perfectly.

Thanks Leigh...he's going to have a rather unkempt hairstyle..(as, he's officially unemployed at present, and appearance is a secondary consideration)..still with a top-knot but with long hair...we'll see how it looks.

All the best.

Originally posted by Guy@Jul 29 2005, 04:27 PM
Beautiful work Roy...........the trousers and leg wraps cry out to be painted. I look forward to seeing your next step. If you cast this figure.......count me in.
Thank you Guy...glad you like him so far..he was started as the first of a series of 90mm figures that I hope to be able to produce (fingers crossed of course)..in resin..although it doesn't look like it from the pics..it is made in seperate parts...we'll see how it turns out and take it from there...

all the best.

Listen, you fellas have seen NOTHING!

I've seen this in the flesh and believe me, it's breathtaking. The photos do NOT do it justice.

It's a beautiful scale and the work Roy's produced would easily rival ANYTHING already commercially available. 99% of kit manufacturers will be jealous when they see this. The rest will be lying.

Dear Guy, sorry mate, you'll have to get in line behind me for this one!

Dear Roy, I still like him bald though.........but what do I know?

I'll always be your novice...

all the best mate.
Roy hi

Thats outstanding

really glad to hear that you hope to cast it, its a painters figure
all the way.

I have no knowledge of the period, but want to paint the figure ! ;)

Originally posted by Blind Pew@Jul 29 2005, 11:21 AM

Dear Guy, sorry mate, you'll have to get in line behind me for this one!

For this figure............I'll gladly stand in line.

Roy - Please count me in for one. Look forward to seeing the finished figure and the next one in the series too.
Absolutely amazing, Roy! :eek: The figure is jaw dropping and the SBS wonderfully informative. It truly inspires the sculpter inside each of us. Thanks so much!

I hope you do get to cast this figure - I'll wait in line for it, too! :)

Please keep posting pics - I think we're all waiting with baited breath!

Anthony....you make me blush..really..but I think I really should say that :- in my very humble opinion, it's the work of so many great sculptors, (many seen right here on the planet) and the work of lots of figure manufacturers increasing the boundaries of quality and choice that actually inspires and encourages us to do the very best we can in an effort just to keep up....honest....but I'm very happy you like him though.. :)

Pete...many thanks...your comments are too kind.. I look forward to painting him too..

All the best.


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