JMD busts query


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Jamie Stokes

A Fixture
May 6, 2008
In Adelaide, South Australia
Seen these on both JMD and here (as well as elsewhere) and I gotta admit, some of these really appeal.

Here's the query
All these busts seem to share a common theme or history, inspired by steam punk or alternate Victorian era. Does anybody know what it is?

Some kind of European animated series, like Tin Tin, or Snow? These busts now share a common logo, and if there is a back story behind them, I would love to find out

It would just add a level of fascination and story to these characters

Images from the JMD website, for discussion purposes only



  • Aayan.jpg
    12 KB
  • Gareth.jpg
    12.5 KB
  • Melvin.jpg
    13.1 KB
  • Telkito Tho.jpg
    Telkito Tho.jpg
    16.1 KB
  • Zenobe.jpg
    11.6 KB
For the French Speakers

Below, is a cut and paste from the JMD website...
My best (and very feeble) guess is below

UF6, La ville Flottante,.......

A la surface de la terre, la temperature avoisine les 65°C en permanence. La dernière grande guerre a fini d'achever les espoirs des terriens soucieux pour leur planète.

Le combat entre le dernier Royaume libre et les forces Fédératrices du Général Aakrhy a finalement pris fin lors d'une déflagration libérant une quantité gigantesque d'héxafluorure d'Uranium.

Après la montée des eaux, le réchauffement violent de l'air et la propagation du Gasz UF6..................

Retrouvez la suite en commandant dès maintenant sur notre site une des cinq références déjà parues dans la série UF6, à savoir MELVIN l'aviateur, GARETH l'apprenti pilote, AAYANE la Boomer Girl, ZENOBE le mécanicien ou encore THO TEIKITO le chef des teikys. Chaque personnage est vendu avec une carte le décrivant et le situant dans le monde d'UF6. Vous pouvez également recevoir le Background par courrier sur simple demande à l'adresse suivante : [email protected]

Surface of the Earth, now more then 65 degrees celsius.
great War of Final Achievement.
Mention of Uranium indicating Nuclear war?

Melvin seems to be a Hero, Aayane is a Boomer(?) Girl, Zenobe is a mechanic, Tho Teikito is a Chief amongst the "Teikys"(?) Gareth is another, apprentice pilot.

So there is a story there, just dont have any french....

Anyone able to offer a hand?

Dashed off an email to JMD,
very nice reply (He speaks no English, I speak no French) [translation via web translation]

Yes, there is a back story, and it involves these characters being involved in a post nuclear war that has flooded the world.

I've also sent of some links to here of some of his figures painted up. Hope he likes the results.

great busts, aren't they!

Jean-Marie Danel sent me some documents via email of the back story.

I'll spend some time running them through a online translator over the next few days, and post a brief synopsis here, with Jean-Marie's permission.

I bought AAYANE last week.. she's already primed and ready for the acrylic base .. lovely sculpture again, I like the smaller busts so these are right upon my alley.. and what a face the mechanic has!!! I was between these two but decided on the girl at the end
Did you ever get around to translatting the stuff?

I am really interested in seeying a book or magazine having to do with these characters.



great busts, aren't they!

Jean-Marie Danel sent me some documents via email of the back story.

I'll spend some time running them through a online translator over the next few days, and post a brief synopsis here, with Jean-Marie's permission.

This is with Babel fish.
UF6, the Floating city, ....... On the surface of the ground, the temperature borders the 65°C permanently. The last Great War finished d' to complete the hopes of land concerned for their planet. The combat between the last free Kingdom and the Fédératrices forces of the Aakrhy General finally ended at the time d' a deflagration releasing a gigantic quantity d' hexafluoride d' Uranium. After the rise of water, the warming violate l' air and propagation of Gasz UF6 .................. Find the continuation by ordering as of now on our site one of the five references already published in series UF6, namely MELVIN l' aviator, GARETH l' pilot apprentice, AAYANE Boomer Girl, ZENOBE the mechanic or THO TEIKITO the chief of the teikys. Each character is sold with a chart describing it and locating it in the world d' UF6. You can also receive the Background by mail on request with l' addresses following: [email protected] Quote Surface off the Earth, now more then 65 dismantle Centigrade. great War off Final Achievement. Mention off Uranium indicating Nuclear war? Does Melvin seems to Be have Hero, Aayane has Boomer (?) Girl, Zenobe has mechanic, Tho Teikito has Chief amongst the " Teikys" (?) Gareth is another, apprentice pilot.