JOACHIM MURAT Alexandro Models


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Olá Vitalino!

Mais um trabalho de grande qualidade que realça a beleza desta escultura.

Vitalino ,

That is really lovely work my friend love the White ...and the flesh tones really fine painting

NMM on the lace work ? the effect

Do share your mxes if you can for this

I have this in the GA and it's always been a favourite

Thanks for sharing

Thank you to All, my friends!!

I use brown sand to the face and lights with Pale flesh
shadows with black red , but i use a lot of tones, violet, red, blue, ligth orange etc
For the coat i use german beige camouflage and ivory
for the shadows, mix black with the base and some english uniform and a little violet.
the biggest job is with the tones
with very dilute paint
The lace work, is simple, only blue or red for base and lights with pale flesh


Ola Fabricio

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Quanto ao vermelho, utilizei somente os da scale 75 , usando so os que mais gostei

