Very nice work on both kits,any tips on the lace on the Spanish figure ? I'm doing a couple of figures with similar lace and was debating the best way to go, I thought dry brushing white over a black wash possibly?
Hoi Johan. Toeval? They look as I'm used to with your work. Still miss you and the moments to see your figures live. looking forward for the next steps.
I' m working on the Roman figure from scale 75. So will follow this post!
I appreciate all of your comments greatly. Thank you all!
@ Steve: regarding the lace collar. I did the undercoat with an off-white colour (Vallejo's pale sand). Then I applied the basecoat with slighty diluted raw umber (no wash!). After half an hour I started to wipe away as much of the raw umber as possible. The next stage was highlighting with pure titanium white. Then I left everything to dry. To complete the painting I emphasized the deepest shades using pure but diluted raw umber and titanium white for the extreme highlights. On the lace ends the titanium white was just applied in little dots to try and simulate the weaving. In reality this is more articulate than on the pics. Hope this helps.
@ Rob: Look forward to see your Roman, mate. An e-mail has been send.